Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: Cédric’s father has been auditioned!

To better understand Cédric Jubillar, suspect number 1 in the disappearance of his wife Delphine and in pre-trial detention for homicide by spouse since June 2021 – his mandate has just been extended by six months, the investigators are interested in the family of the painter – 34-year-old plasterer. This is how his biological father was interviewed as part of the investigation, as told The Dispatch. The man confided exclusively in the newspaper last year and returned to his complicated relationship with his son and also with his mother.

A little over three months ago, the gendarmes came to see me. I was interviewed as part of the procedure. Of course this case is shocking“, he explained in the columns of The Midi Dispatch. Indeed, having not seen his son for twenty years, it was in the media that he discovered the affair: “When I saw the images on TV and the name Jubillar in the Tarn, I immediately made the connection with Cédric. His name was everywhere. His name Jubillar comes from his mother’s side, but he also has my name second.” Although he did not bond with him, he felt touched by this case: “I would like to go see him in prison but I don’t really know how. It hurts to know he’s incarcerated, it’s unfortunate for him. We hear a lot of things and in the end we don’t really know if he is really involved in this story.”

Employed in a center for the disabled, he returned to his complicated relationship with the mother of Cédric Jubillar, Nadine Fabre. A woman he had met when he was 19 and she was 16. For eight months, the couple dated until she became pregnant: “after that we didn’t get along. We left each other, Cédric was a baby” He found the doors closed when he wanted to ensure his shifts and gradually moved away. A meeting was organized when Cédric was 14 years old, but it did not happen again. He will then receive an anonymous call the day his son became a father in turn…

In his book called The Jubillar Mystery (StudioFact editions), the journalist of Parisian Ronan Folgoas had given further details on the relationship between Cédric’s parents who each have their version of the story. “It’s not his father, it’s his parent“, then explained Nadine to the reporter. On edge when she confided in the author-investigator, she had shared with him “the exclusive relationship that has bound her for thirty-four years to the first of her three childrens”. Cédric was therefore a child with attachment figures that were both very strong and absent…

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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