Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: Cédric “pushed to suicide”? Serious accusations…

Cédric Jubillar is the number 1 suspect in the disappearance of his wife Delphine, which occurred on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. Married since 2013 with the nurse from Tarn, father of their two children Louis and Elyah, he is the last to seeing her alive. In June 2021, he was remanded in custody for spousal homicide in the Toulouse-Seysses remand center, the justice deeming to have enough evidence against him. The lawyers for the painter-plasterer believe that this situation is abusive since there is no confession or body that has been found. In his interview with a prison psychiatrist, the craftsman accused prison guards of “want to push him to suicide“.

In April 2022, Cédric Jubillar’s psychiatric expertise was added to the court file and The Parisian obtained extracts from it. This interview, which took place twice, allows us to draw a precise portrait of the man accused of the disappearance of his wife, dominated by egocentrism, immaturity and addictions – to online games and cannabis. . He takes advantage of this meeting to complain about his conditions of detention. He thus asserted that the supervisors are “unjust and contemptuous“.”They will drive me to suicide”, he added, referring to the checks that are carried out at night, with the lights on. Addicted to cannabis, he must also endure the brutality of withdrawal. Indeed, he claims to fight mentally against the lack of THC (the active ingredient of cannabis): “Everything happens in the head, you have to set goals, it’s the mind, you have to keep your head up…

During his second interview, which took place a few months after the first, Cédric Jubillar again raised a cry of warning about his situation in prison, targeting in particular the fact of being in the isolation ward. An injustice according to him:I am not a rapist, a snitch, a homosexual… I am a criminal like the others.“Surprising statements from a man who has claimed his innocence since the beginning of his incarceration. On June 18, the judge of freedoms and detention will announce his decision on the status of this presumed culprit.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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