Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: are the confessions of Cédric’s fellow inmate true?

In December 2021, a former co-prisoner of Cédric dropped a real bomb on the gendarmes responsible for the investigation into the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar. Confident of having established a friendship with the painter-plasterer imprisoned since June 18, 2021 for “homicide on spouse” and placed in solitary confinement in Toulouse-Seysses prison, this man affirmed to investigators that Cédric had entrusted him with having buried his wife Delphine near a “farm that burned“in Cagnac-Les-Mines.

In addition, he revealed that his new girlfriend Séverine was aware of the murder of the nurse and that they had together mounted a macabre plan to move her corpse to Montauban, near the home of the nurse’s former lover. . According to The Dispatch, technical verifications on these allegations have since been carried out but “To date, there is no evidence to support the veracity of Cédric Jubillar’s statements“. The newspaper nevertheless specifies that”other verifications are still in progress“.

So, are the statements of this former fellow inmate of Cédric Jubillar really to be taken seriously? It is true that the investigators had indeed confirmed having found proof of a meeting between Séverine and this fellow inmate. during the second half of November. According to The Parisian, she would have actually led him to the beginning of the country road leading to the farm to which Cédric Jubillar referred when he confided having buried the body of Delphine in Cagnac-les-Mines. Arrested on December 15, 2021 by the gendarmes of Gaillac, this 44-year-old nurse however left free the next day, for lack of evidence.

Moreover, it may well be that the statements of this fellow inmate are just for him a means of obtaining a remission of sentence or other advantages. Recall that it is not uncommon in the case of high profile cases that prisoners try to extort information from famous detainees in order to monetize their information to the gendarmes.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused until the final judgment of this case.

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