Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: a medium makes revelations… before backpedaling!

Become overnight the subject of numerous articles in the media, a medium had revealed to her subscribers on TikTok the places where Delphine Jubillar could be buried, who has not given any sign of life since the night of December 15 to 16. 2020. On her Tiktok Emma.medium channel, the young woman revealed that she had several feelings about the location of the corpse of the Albi nurse.

Revelations made just as searches were being rolled out in the area cited by Cédric Jubillar’s former fellow inmate, Marco, “near a burnt down farm” in Cagnac-Les-Mines. “We arrive at the denouement (…) Me in my visions it was still wooded, even at road level“, she confided. Touched by the horror of this legal case, she also indicated: “I will ask you to be indulgent. I do this to simply help, whether it’s the deceased or the living.”

I do not agree

A few days later, the young woman backtracked, realizing that her video had caused a stir on social networks. Annoyed to see the catchy headlines from some media that claimed she had claimed to know the exact location of Delphine, Emma preferred to quickly clear things up via a new video posted on TikTok. “Following my video on Delphine, for now I’m going to take a step back because it got too big and I’m just going to correct some things that have been said in the press…“, she explains while showing an article about her that appeared in the newspaper Current wife and titled Soon the outcome in the Jubillar affair? A medium claims to have located Delphine’s body.

So no, I don’t agree with that. I did not certify knowing the exact location“she recalls before putting on her first video where she actually explained that certain places had it”arrested” but that “it could be others“Since then, the medium has not made any more videos on this terrible legal case.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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