Disappearance Estelle Mouzin: the new searches to find her body were unsuccessful


France 3

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18 years after Estelle’s disappearance Mouzin, the new campaign of search carried out in the Ardennes did not yield anything. Research has stopped since Thursday evening, November 18. Journalist Carol Cuello takes stock of the situation, in duplex from Issancourt-et-Rumel.

Research to find Estelle’s body Mouzin are arrested Thursday, November 18 in the evening.It is a huge disappointment. However, for four days the research focused on a specific area and extraordinary means were implemented. Belgium lent a 12-tonne excavator to dig the ground very deeply“Says journalist Carol Cuello, live from Issancourt-et-Rumel (Ardennes).

Belgian police also loaned two sniffer dogs.They are trained to find human corpses. For example, they are able to find a body under a concrete slab, three meters deep. Michel Fourniret’s former wife, Monique Olivier, tried to guide investigators based on her 18-year-old memories, but it came to nothing“, continues the journalist. This is the eighth time that excavations have been organized in this sector in search of the body of little Estelle. Mouzin.


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