Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Benjamin Sportouch.
Reading time: 20 min

The themes :
Public finances: Emmanuel Macron bangs his fist on the table. It was yesterday during a meeting of his majority executives at the Elysée. Usually the president is not there, he was invited toith a precise objective: to put an end to, or in any case attempt to do, the dissonance within its government on budgetary savings. The president called for consistency and composure. In his sights: the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire who wants to move faster and stronger in cleaning up public finances. A real difference in economic approach which also divides the majority, all against a backdrop of Bruno Le Maire’s political ambition.
Violence between young people : This Tuesday, April 9, the funeral of Shemseddine takes place, a 15-year-old teenager beaten up in front of his college in Viry-Châtillon against the backdrop of a dispute surrounding the sister of the 4 young people indicted. There was also the attack on Samara in Montpellier a few days ago. The prosecution mentioned recurring violence via messages on social networks. A context of violence, of hyper violence some say, which puts the government to the test. Summoned to react by the right and the extreme right who accuse him of laxity.
The guests :
Rachel Garrat-Valcarcelpolitical journalist at 20 Minutes
Charles Sapin, political journalist at Le Point. Author of “Harvest of Anger” on European nationalisms published by Editions du Cerf
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Find all the news from the morning of Tuesday April 9, 2024: