In an interview with “Parisien” published on Wednesday, the 79-year-old filmmaker states in particular that he “never had an intimate relationship with Judith Godrèche”.
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“When I learned of Judith Godrèche’s accusations, I felt astonished,
shock and anger.” In an interview with Parisianpublished Wednesday April 10, director Jacques Doillon once again denied accusations of rape and sexual assault made by actresses Judith Godrèche, Anna Mouglalis and Isild le Besco.
Judith Godrèche filed a complaint at the beginning of February against the filmmaker for “rape of a minor”. The actress talks about facts which took place “in Jane’s house [Birkin, compagne à l’époque du cinéaste]in Jacques Doillon’s office”. She also denounces his attitude during filming “from a sex scene between him and me” For the movie The 15 year old girlclaiming the director had imposed on him “45 takes”.
Regarding the film The 15 year old girl, Jacques Doillon (who attacked the actress for defamation) claims not to have done “45 takes” but “probably seven or eight”. “The sex scene that Judith Godrèche talks about was written in the script”, he said, emphasizing having had to replace at short notice the actor who was to give the answer to Judith Godrèche because he “knew his text very poorly”.
“I never had an intimate relationship with Judith Godrèche. I was never attracted to her. I was living at the time with Jane, with whom I was in love. Nothing happened with Judith or in an office or anywhere else”he adds.
“That doesn’t hold”
Actress Anna Mouglalis also told World a sexual assault of which she accuses the director “in the summer of 2011″ in the Uzès region (Gard). “One evening after dinner, there were only two of us left in the room. It was in the stairwell on the landing which opened onto my daughter’s bedroom and mine in which I was going to join Samuel [Benchetrit, son compagnon à l’époque] who had gone to bed earlier. He kissed me by force and I pushed back“, she relates. “It’s astonishing to attempt something like this, in these conditions.”
Here again, Jacques Doillon denies the facts to the Parisian : “Why would I climb the stairs to try to kiss Anna in front of the door of the room in which Samuel, who was my friend, was? This doesn’t hold.”
Isild le Besco denounces a form of sexual blackmail by Jacques Doillon in 2000, when she hoped to star in the film Directly to the west. “When I refused to sleep with him, he removed me from the project and gave the role to his daughter”she accuses in The world. “My memories are vague (…) It was quite subtle, unsaid. Right after my refusal, he told me he was going to give the role to Lou [Doillon, fille du cinéaste]“she says. Jacques Doillon denies having made “advances” to the actress: “It’s a story that she invents or that someone suggests to her.”