Director Jacques Doillon accused of rape of a minor by Judith Godrèche

French actress Judith Godrèche on Thursday questioned the behavior against her of director Jacques Doillon, when he was directing her and she was 15 years old, in addition to another filmmaker whom she accuses, Benoît Jacquot .

The actress filed a complaint against the two directors, her lawyer, M, confirmed to AFPe Laura Heinich. Both filmmakers deny it.

The investigations, entrusted to the Minors Protection Brigade, concern “the offenses of rape of a minor under 15 years of age by a person in authority, rape, violence by a partner, and sexual assault of a minor over 15 years of age by a person in authority” , according to the public prosecutor.

“All of the facts denounced took place between 1986 and 1992,” said the same source.

Benoît Jacquot, who is 25 years older than her, directed her on screen and maintained a relationship with her for several years from the age of 14.

Thursday, the actress reiterated on France Inter radio her accusations against this filmmaker and implicated another director of the same generation, Jacques Doillon, 79 years old.

The facts she mentioned date back to the filming of The 15 year old girlreleased in 1989, and filmed when Judith Godrèche was 15 years old, and was in a relationship with Benoît Jacquot.

She recounted an intimate scene shot with Jacques Doillon, in the presence of Jane Birkin, who was then the director’s partner. “All of a sudden, he decides that there is a love scene, a sex scene between him and me,” she said. “I take off my sweater, I’m shirtless, he gropes me, makes out with me,” she added.

Asked whether Mr. Doillon had “abused” her, she acquiesced.

“Jacques Doillon discovered these accusations this morning through the press,” his lawyer, Me Marie Dosé. “He refutes them forcefully and is eager to explain himself in court,” she assured.

For his part, Benoît Jacquot, 77 years old and a film expected soon, “firmly denies the allegations and accusations” in the newspaper The worldwhich revealed Judith Godrèche’s complaint.

The actress and the filmmaker began their relationship in the spring of 1986, when she was just 14 years old and taking her first steps in cinema. They lived openly together, even buying an apartment in Paris, until their separation in 1992.

THURSDAY, The world also publishes new testimonies on the behavior of Benoît Jacquot, author of Farewell to the queen or Diary of a Maid.

The actress and screenwriter Julia Roy, who is 42 years younger than him and has played in four of his films, denounces “verbal and physical violence”: insults and threats, kicks and slaps, throwing chairs and dishes.

The actress and director Isild le Besco, who shot six films with Benoît Jacquot, sent a daily text in which she talks about “psychological or physical violence”.

In The worldBenoît Jacquot, 77, speaks of “a kick in the ass” to Julia Roy, and denies any physical violence against Isild le Besco.

These testimonies come in the wake of other #MeToo accusations from French cinema, which have targeted other important personalities of the 7 in recent weeks.e art.

Gérard Depardieu, indicted for rape since the end of 2020, was pilloried for sequences filmed in North Korea, where he made multiple misogynistic and insulting remarks while addressing women.

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