DIRECT. Visiting Marseille, Emmanuel Macron believes that the fight against drug trafficking “is a collective responsibility”

Emmanuel Macron arrived in Marseille, Monday June 26 at the end of the morning, to begin a three-day trip to the second city of France. Visiting on the construction site of the Baumettes 3 prison, at the beginning of the afternoon, the Head of State tackled the consumption of drugs which, according to him, fuels insecurity. “We cannot deplore the children who are killed in the neighborhoods, the economy and the violence that go with narcotics and glorify the recreational consumption of narcotics”, did he declare. The fight against drug trafficking “is a collective responsibility”, he insisted. On this issue, Emmanuel Macron announced on Sunday daily Provence that the payment of fixed fines for drug consumption may soon be “immediate, by credit card or cash”. Follow our live.

A first day devoted to the theme of security. The Head of State will chain visits during these three days. On his arrival, he first spoke with the mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan, before going to the headquarters of the judicial police and to the construction site of the Baumettes 3 prison. At the end of the day, he will also meet a group inhabitants, to discuss insecurity.

Housing, health and education are also on the agenda. During the rest of his stay, the president will go to the Laveran army training hospital, to a primary school being renovated as part of the “Marseille en grand” plan or even to the port of Marseille.

Several ministers in Marseilles. Emmanuel Macron will be accompanied in particular by the ministers of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, of Education, Pap Ndiaye, or even of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak.

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