DIRECT. “There is no majority to vote” the Immigration bill, recognizes Elisabeth Borne, who however announces a text on the subject in the fall

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12:47 : “We will thus present, at the beginning of May, a bill aimed at securing and regulating the digital space. We will take new measures to fight against cyberbullying or to prevent the exposure of children to pornographic content. We will also take action against online fraud, for example with a scam filter that will alert users to websites considered to be fraudulent.”

12:45 p.m. : Still on immigration: “Faced with increased migratory pressure at the Italian border, we will be mobilizing 150 additional police and gendarmes in the Alpes-Maritimes next week. More broadly, I announce to you that by the summer, we will be launching the experimentation with a border force or border force on the Italian border. It will associate more closely internal security forces, customs officers and the military. Its implementation should be effective within six months.”

12:43 p.m. : On immigration, Elisabeth Borne first announces to temporize on the bill initially planned for the beginning of 2023. There is no majority to vote for such a text.while the Republicans must establish a common line between the Senate and the National Assembly. They obviously didn’t make it.”. We will continue to talk.”she assured and promised to present a text in the fall with efficiency as the only compass”.

12:42 p.m. : On the housing side now: We want to facilitate access to housing for all French people, especially in areas where the supply is insufficient. Also, I am announcing that we are going to mobilize the Caisse des dépôts to buy new homes that are struggling to find buyers and thus unlock the pending programs.

12:41 p.m. : Still on the subject of education, the Prime Minister adds: “ We are going to generalize to primary school the weekly sessions of support or deepening in French or in mathematics. These advances, among others, are part of the new teacher pact announced by the President of the Republic, with a historic increase in the remuneration of all teachers up to an additional €500 per month. That, too, is concrete.”

12:39 : 🔴 Climate ➡️ “The next three months will be an opportunity in all sectors” for ecological planning, assures the Prime Minister. “We will accelerate the opening of ‘France Rénov’ counters, with the objective of having one counter per intermunicipal authority.”

12:39 : In terms of education, Elisabeth Borne announces several changes for the next school year:

• From the start of the school year, “short-term replacements [d’enseignants] will be carried out within the establishment itself”.

• The government will “generalize the support and deepening sessions in French and mathematics”.

12:38 : “This is the meaning of the decarbonization roadmap for the major industrial sectors and the 50 most emitting sites which will be finalized at the end of June..”

12:38 : Beyond everyday transport, I hope that the next few months will allow us to tackle the issue of greenhouse gas emissions in the air sector. A concrete action plan will be presented in June at the Paris Air Show. Too often, our compatriots have the feeling that the fight against climate change rests only with them. On the contrary, we want everyone to contribute according to what they can do.

12:35 p.m. : On the ecology side, Elisabeth Borne announces the launch of a rental offer for vehicles clean” in autumn, “at affordable prices”.

12:34 p.m. : “We have launched our sobriety plan for the use of water with the first concrete actions which will bear fruit this summer. We will deploy a new management of our forests. UA bill already passed in the Senate on the prevention of forest fires will be discussed in the National Assembly from 15 May. For example, it will improve the organization of brush clearing and therefore limit the risk of fire.”

12:35 p.m. : Here is what Elisabeth Borne’s roadmap provides for the economy:

• The transposition of the interprofessional agreement on the sharing of value will be on the table of parliamentarians by the summer.

• A bill for the establishment of France travail, which is to replace Pôle emploi, will be presented at the beginning of June.

• The green industry bill will be presented to the Council of Ministers in mid-May and then debated in Parliament this summer.

12:34 p.m. : “We want to remove the obstacles to employment, simplify procedures, better meet the needs of employers and strengthen professional integration with the departments. We want to provide more support and encourage the resumption of activity, for people furthest from employment, such as RSA beneficiaries. This is the meaning of France travail. A bill for (…) will be presented at the beginning of June.”

12:30 p.m. : “All subjects are on the table with the social partners to improve working conditions.”

12:34 p.m. : Elisabeth Borne presents the first theme, which concerns the tools used to “achieve full employment” and reindustrialize France.

12:27 : This roadmap “covers all subjects and is particularly dense”she said for “insist on certain challenges”.


12:34 p.m. : “I only believe in results. We must obtain them in all areas and I want them to be concrete, tangible, visible to the French. (…) With parliamentarians, we want to discuss as much as possible about each project to build majorities. With the social partners, we want to renew a peaceful dialogue.”

12:26 p.m. : The Prime Minister begins by taking stock of the government and welcomes the pace of reforms since last year, despite “blocking predictions”.

12:22 p.m. : Elisabeth Borne presents the roadmap for the “100 days of appeasement” of Emmanuel Macron. Follow his speech in our live.

08:48 : 🗣 Expand the majority? ➡️ “It is up to the Prime Minister to examine the political situation. We must work text by text”, says Gérard Larcher. “For a coalition, you need a project, a contract, a majority. It is built with legislative elections”

08:50 : For the President (LR) of the Senate, the “conditions for a coalition [avec Renaissance] are not met today”. “We have to work text by text”says Gérard Larcher.

08:06 : This is the big news of this Wednesday. Elisabeth Borne unveils, at noon, the roadmap of the “100 days of appeasement” And “action” announced by Emmanuel Macron. She will speak from the Elysée and you can, of course, follow her speech on our site.


07:45 : “We can also hope that we can change our democratic culture. That we teach citizens to listen to each other from an early age, in kindergarten!”

Beyond the unpopularity of these devices, it is the political culture of the French that must evolve. But be careful, warns specialist Guillaume Gourgues, “it is not enough to constantly produce participatory devices for the quality of democracy to be better”.

07:42 : “I will propose (…) major avenues for the operation of our institutions to gain in efficiency and citizen participation”, announced Emmanuel Macron a week ago. While the mechanisms intended to promote the participation of citizens in the life of the country and their municipalities are multiplying, several specialists believe that they do not really fulfill their role. I tried to find out, in this article, if France had a problem with participatory democracy.

Emmanuel Macron, a demonstrator in favor of the RIP, police officers from the Brav-M and the citizens' convention on the end of life.  (EDITING PAULINE LE NOURS / FRANCEINFO)(PAULINE LE NOURS / FRANCEINFO)

07:28 : On the side of the regional press, The Marseillaise believes that“Emmanuel Macron is tripping over the ultimatum he gave”. Elisabeth Borne must present today the executive’s roadmap for the “100 days of appeasement” promised by the president.


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