DIRECT. The war in Ukraine has been going on for three months, the Luhansk region almost completely overrun

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09:01 : It’s 9 o’clock. We make a new point on the news of the day:

The war in Ukraine has been going on for three months. What are the scenarios envisaged for the coming weeks? Answers in this article.

Three confirmed cases of monkeypox have been recorded in France, according to a press release from Public Health France.

• Medvedev and Tsitsipas enter the fray, fifteen French on the courts… Discover the program of the day at the Porte d’Auteuil.

• #ABAD “Lourdingue”, “insistent” : Within the Republicans, some describe inappropriate behavior on the part of Damien Abad.

08:46 : Armaments, logistics, cyber defense… France is prepared for asymmetric conflicts, but not for an inter-state war like the one between Russia and Ukraine. Experts analyze what the conflict reveals about our armies and the challenges that await them.

08:28 : But the threatening discourse of Moscow on the subject of nuclear power is above all there to frighten kyiv and its allies. “The nuclear weapon is used as an instrument of intimidation, even of coercion”, explained the soldier and analyst Jean-Sylvestre Mongrenier in his text for the Thomas-More Institute. Why agitate this threat? What would be the damage of a Russian nuclear strike? How would Westerners react? I try to answer all these questions in this article.

07:54 : We might as well reassure you right away: Russia certainly has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, but observers do not imagine it using it. Héloïse Fayet, a researcher at Ifri, however, explained to me that there are two types of nuclear weapons: strategic weapons, with very long range and which exist above all to dissuade other countries from hitting you; and tactical weapons, which are generally less powerful but designed for use on the battlefield. If Russia used nuclear power in this war, it would be through a tactical strike, probably in Ukraine, she said. The risk is “extremely weak, but not zero”.

07:54 : It has been three months since Russia began invading Ukraine, and many of you have no doubt had nightmares at least once about the outbreak of a nuclear war in Europe. A scenario that Russian officials do not hesitate to evoke, in a more or less ambiguous way, while Russian state television fantasizes the destruction of Western Europe. But what are the chances of this scenario coming to fruition? And what is the Russian discourse all about?


07:27 : “The Russian occupiers are trying to show that they will not abandon the occupied areas of the Kharkiv region, that they will not return the Kherson region, the occupied territories of the Zaporizhia region and Donbass. somewhere. They are strengthening their positions elsewhere.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spoken out in his daily televised address as the war in Ukraine enters its fourth month.

07:25 : It’s 6 o’clock. We make a first point on the news of the day:

The war in Ukraine has been going on for three months. Russian troops are now concentrating their offensive on the last pocket of resistance in the Luhansk region, in the Donbass. “The next weeks of war will be difficult”Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned last night.

Who is running in your constituency in the next legislative elections on June 12 and 19? The answer is now just a click away, thanks to our search engine. It’s simple, you type your address in the bar that is in the article, click on the magnifying glass and the list is displayed.

• Medvedev and Tsitsipas enter the fray, fifteen French on the courts… Discover the program of the day at the Porte d’Auteuil.

Accused of rape by two women, Damien Abad says he is “innocent” and does not plan to resign. The new minister spoke to the press at the end of the afternoon from Ain, where he is a candidate for the legislative elections.

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