DIRECT. The National Council for Refoundation, wanted by Emmanuel Macron, begins at 9:30 a.m. in Marcoussis

What there is to know

A very difficult birth. Emmanuel Macron kicks off his National Council for Refoundation (CNR) in Marcoussis (Essonne) on Thursday, September 8. This initiative, touted as a tool for “revitalization” of politics by the President of the Republic, is already contested before it begins. Many unions and opposition parties refuse to participate in this launch day. Follow the day in our direct.

Meet at 9:30 a.m. Emmanuel Macron will then make an introduction, before a round table to discuss with the participants. This first stage aims to calibrate the CNR method. Until 6 p.m., several themes will then be discussed during the day: medical deserts, water management, mobility, reintegration or dependency.

The Elysée wishes “revitalize” French democracy. With this National Council for Refoundation, it is a matter of finding “a new method” to rebuild and reform with all of the country’s stakeholders (citizens, associations, etc.). “We wanted to set up a somewhat disruptive format to create a discussion”, sums up an LREM deputy. There is the will “to transform public policies” from the themes of the government, explains for its part the Elysée.

What’s next ? The monitoring of the CNR must be ensured by the High Commissioner for Planning, François Bayrou. The various projects will be launched at the end of September, with the desire to move quickly. The objective is to achieve concrete results from December. Several points therefore remain unclear for the moment, but Emmanuel Macron’s entourage has already announced that a website dedicated to the CNR will be set up. He “will make it possible to follow the progress of the thematic processes”assures the Elysée.

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