DIRECT. Pensions, purchasing power, energy… Follow the interview with the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, on franceinfo

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Exceptional guest for the start of the school year on franceinfo, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, is questioned in the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Tuesday January 3, one week before the presentation of the pension reform. Other hot topics, such as energy crisis, purchasing power or the health system should also be mentioned during their interview. Follow our live.

Pension reform, main point of tension. During the presentation of his wishes to the French, Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed his determination to raise the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 or even 65 years old as well as the extension of contributions to receive a full pension. Points on which all the unions strongly oppose. For the first time in twelve years, they are ready to mobilize together against the announced reform.

Energy crisis and inflation. While energy prices should continue to rise in 2023, the government intends to maintain certain aids such as the tariff shield. But other devices put in place for this start of the school year should be less financially advantageous for the French. This should amplify already galloping inflation and inevitably affect purchasing power. According to INSEE, inflation should peak at 7% over one year in January and February.

A health system on the brink of collapse. This end of the year has considerably shaken hospitals, overwhelmed by a triple epidemic (Covid-bronchiolitis-flu). Overwhelmed emergencies, lack of caregivers, general practitioners on strike … The Minister of Health, François Braun, should announce in the coming weeks the “main axes” of a health plan established on the basis of the work of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR).

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