DIRECT. One Planet – Polar Summit: accelerated melting of glaciers, can we still save them?



The franceinfo Talk looks at the first world summit dedicated to the protection of the poles and glaciers, which opened on November 8 in Paris. Ludo Pauchant receives glaciologist Lydie Lescarmontier, Camille Etienne, author, activist for climate and social justice and Loup Espargilière, founder and editor-in-chief of the Vert media.

From November 8 to 10, the first international summit dedicated to the polar and glacial worlds is being held in Paris: the “One Planet – Polar Summit”. This summit, launched at the initiative of France, brings together NGOs, the scientific community and leaders from 40 nations for a scientific forum as well as a political day.

Glaciers, on the front line of global warming

If the objective of the international summit is to mobilize the international community for the protection of the poles and glaciers, all the lights are red. While the melting of the poles is extremely slow, scientists are concerned to observe that we are only at the beginning of the phenomenon and that it is accelerating dangerously.

The holding of this summit in Paris will perhaps alert the various actors and States present, three weeks before the COP28, which will be held from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai. The objective of remaining below 1.5°C is still vital, glaciers being on the front lines of global warming.

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