This article is over three years old.



Video duration:
18 mins

Direct Line with ANDRE COMTE-SPONVILLE who responds to our viewers.

André Comte Sponville has just received the equivalent of an honorary César for a philosopher: “The Herne notebooks” (L’Herne edition) devote a work to him alone, with texts from great contemporary philosophers who pay homage to him.

André Comte-Sponville said: “The philosopher is not there to say good and bad but the possibly true and the certainly false”. HAS In our time where everything moves at a hundred miles an hour, it must be complicated to decide? The philosopher explains to us what must be remembered.

LCurrent events these days are inspiring and encourage philosophical reflection…. And first of all with these liberated words of women who today denounce the mentors who abused them as children? Vanessa Springora, the former skater Sarah Abitbol…free speech and embarrassed entourage with the question from a viewer: ” Before, adults turned a blind eye but today that no longer happens…. For what ? How can we explain this shift in our morality?” André Comte-Sponville places his cursor on morality but also puts the status of the child in society into perspective.

Still in the news, this huge dumpling or…. Edouard Philippe preferred to call it a “Ball of Fire”: the majority voting against the extension of paid leave for the bereavement of a child! Estrait from the France2 news and the poignant testimony of a mother who lost her daughter and the qquestion from a viewer: “do we run a country with heart or like an accountant?” For the philosopher, morality should not be mixed with all sauces and this debate is an illustration of this.

The Baccalaureate is far away for us… we wouldn’t have liked to take it this week this Baccalaureate given the mess… consequences of the reform and viewer question: “What should be the purpose of studies? To have a good head or to find a job?” Surprising response from André Comte-Sponvile who wonders not about the measures or the programs but about those who apply them and the students who would no longer be as receptive as before.

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