DIRECT. Liftoff of the mega-rocket of the Artemis mission to the Moon is postponed to Friday at the earliest due to a technical problem

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3:02 p.m. : In fact, @gil, the next possible launch date is Friday. Otherwise it will be September 5th. But the problem will first have to be assessed by NASA teams before a new date is set.

2:49 p.m. : And if it’s not Friday, when will it be?

2:56 p.m. : Too bad… But after waiting several decades, we can wait a few more days. The important thing is to get back there.

2:47 p.m. : It’s normal, but hey, disgusted all the same!

2:56 p.m. : What a pity ! I was in front of FranceInfo TV to watch the rocket take off. I hope I will be available next Friday to see it.

2:45 p.m. : This is only a postponement ! It is safer to postpone the launch if there are engine problems…

2:51 p.m. : The launch of the mega-rocket of the Artemis mission is canceled today due to a technical problem on one of the engines. The next attempt is postponed “as soon as possible” to Friday, announces NASA. Follow our live.

2:28 p.m. : I update: Launch is currently in an unplanned hold as the team works on an issue with engine number 3 on the @NASA_SLS core stage. Operations commentary continues at

2:29 p.m. : We told you a few minutes ago, it was just confirmed by NASA on Twitter: the launch of the rocket is indeed delayed due to a problem on one of the engines, the number 3 from satellite. For the moment, no new schedule is given.

2:17 p.m. : That leaves you a little more time to see or review this report by Marc Dana, one of the special correspondents of France Télévisions. He was with Thomas Pesquet, at the forefront of the Artemis mission, at Cape Canaveral.

2:13 p.m. : The countdown clock is on a hold at T-40 minutes. The hydrogen team of the @NASA_SLS rocket is discussing plans with the #Artemis I launch director. Operational commentary continues at

2:25 p.m. : The takeoff was supposed to take place at 2:33 p.m. (8:33 a.m. local time) but some problems interrupted the countdown.

2:25 p.m. : The launch of the Artemis mega-rocket is delayed due to an engine problem. Follow our live.

2:54 p.m. : 2 p.m. on the clock, time for a new point on the news:

Originally scheduled from 2:33 p.m., the launch of Artemis will apparently be delayed. An engine problem appeared. NASA should communicate. Follow our live.

The public prosecutor of Nice announces that he has opened an investigation for apology for terrorism after the broadcast of messages posted on certain social networks “referring to the attack of July 14, 2016 in Nice”.

Volodymyr Zelensky spoke this afternoon at the Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF) of the Medef. The Ukrainian President has appealed to companies in the construction and other sectors to come to Ukraine to allow the reconstruction of the country. “We need you to rebuild”he launched to the attention of the French bosses.

To follow from 2:30 p.m., the highly anticipated speech by Elisabeth Borne at the Medef Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF). The Prime Minister should call companies to energy sobriety.

1:48 p.m. : It’s time to offer you a selection of the day’s content on franceinfo:

Before the takeoff of the new NASA rocket, our journalist Louis San tells you four lunar enigmas

Textbooks, notebooks, calculators… Our journalist Noé Bauduin has sifted through the essential products in the parents’ basket to see how much they are affected by the price increase.

• Jérôme Alonzo, former PSG player and now franceinfo football correspondent, reacts to the Paul Pogba affair.

1:02 p.m. : The takeoff will not a priori take place at the scheduled time, but NASA remains unclear on a new schedule. It should be given a little later, once other preparations have been finalized and the countdown has stopped at T-10 minutes (as planned)

1:48 p.m. : Well, not everything is going exactly as planned on the side of Cape Canaveral. One of the four main engines of NASA’s mega-rocket fails to reach the correct temperature. We also speak of a crack “appeared on the main stage of the rocket”. Results : “takeoff will not take place at the scheduled time, but NASA remains unclear on a new schedule”, writes an AFP journalist who is at the Kennedy Space Center.

12:48 : The @NASA_SLS’s core stage liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks are fully fueled and both are being replenished. Teams have given a “go” for liquid oxygen loading into the interim cryogenic propulsion stage of the @NASA_Orion spacecraft:

12:47 : In this regard, the filling of the reservoirs is still in progress but the operation is running late because of a too high risk of lightning in the middle of the night.

1:37 p.m. : Very simple, . The rocket of the Artemis I mission (which must put the Orion capsule into orbit) will take off from the Kennedy Space Center, in Cape Canaveral (Florida), at the beginning of the afternoon. A two-hour firing window is scheduled from 8:33 a.m. local time, or 2:33 p.m. in France.

12:42 p.m. : What are the exact times for Artemis?

1:25 p.m. : It’s noon and it’s time to take stock of the news:

NASA’s new rocket, the most powerful in the world, is to take off for the first time from Florida, heading for the Moon. This Artemis 1 mission is an unmanned test, it should last six weeks. Take-off scheduled for early afternoon, French time. Here is everything you need to know about this new episode of space exploration.

The Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF) of the Medef opens with the long-awaited speech (early afternoon) by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who should call on companies to be energy sober. It will ask them to make an effort to reduce their energy consumption by 10%. Follow our live.

A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is on its way to the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, announced its boss, Rafael Grossi. The G7 requires that this team have free access to the site. Follow our live.

Paul Pogba claims to have been threatened by childhood friends and hooded bandits, including his brother, who demanded 13 million euros from him last March. Franceinfo summarizes its statements to the police, who opened an investigation for “extortion attempts”.

12:40 p.m. : It’s time to take stock of the news.

NASA’s new rocket, the most powerful in the world, is to take off for the first time from Florida, heading for the Moon. This Artemis 1 mission is an unmanned test, it should last six weeks. Take-off scheduled for early afternoon, French time. Here is everything you need to know about this new episode of space exploration.

The Meeting of Entrepreneurs of France (REF) of the Medef opens with the highly anticipated speech of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who should call on companies to be energy sobriety. It will ask companies to make an effort to reduce their energy consumption by 10%. She will speak at the beginning of the afternoon.

A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is on its way to the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, announces its boss, Rafael Grossi. The mission should arrive on site “later this week”.

Paul Pogba claims to have been threatened in March by childhood friends and hooded bandits, including his brother, who demanded 13 million euros from him. Franceinfo summarizes its statements to the police, who opened an investigation for “extortion attempts”.

12:38 : “It’s a bit of the Grail. And tomorrow will be March.

Astronaut Thomas Pesquet is one of the candidates to set foot on the lunar surface in the near future. But the Artemis mission is only a step to go to Mars. “Because we know it and we don’t hide it: the scientific interest is greater on Mars. It is a planet similar to Earth, thanks to which we can read questions that concern us: where does life? Could it disappear? Can we lose our atmosphere?”he assures franceinfo.

12:30 p.m. : Hello @Spacefan, you can obviously follow the takeoff of Artemis I, which is scheduled around 2:30 p.m. (French time) from Cape Canaveral, Florida. NASA’s YouTube page has already uploaded live video of the liftoff.

07:57 : Hello. Where can we follow the launch of the rocket that must go to the moon? thank you very much and good day

12:29 : The Artemis mission must not only bring man back to the Moon, it must also make it possible to better understand our natural satellite and help solve some enigmas which persist.


12:28 : “The Americans already have great experience and have nothing to demonstrate, but they want to maintain competence in manned flight, leadership.”

Is this the return of a cold war in space? For Isabelle Sourbès-Verger, the race for the Moon which is currently being played out, and mainly between Washington and Beijing, is “completely different” of that which took place during the Cold War between the United States and the USSR.

12:27 : The American space agency (Nasa) does not only intend to land on the Moon and return. It plans to install an orbital base there, and to establish another on the surface of our natural satellite. This is a fundamental difference with the Apollo missions: Artemis provides for a permanent installation and round trips between the Earth and the Moon. Above all, this installation on the Moon is only a preparatory phase for more distant voyages. Eventually, the Moon could become a staging point for missions to Mars, and become the “service station” at the start of long journeys.

12:25 p.m. : This first phase of the Artemis mission, Artemis I, is an unmanned flight. In a few years, for Artemis II, a flight with space travelers will leave for the Moon. But they will “just” stay in orbit around the Moon. A little later still, for the Artemis III mission, a flight will leave with humans on board. They will land on Earth’s natural satellite. The Moon has not been walked on by humans since 1972.

12:24 p.m. : It’s the big day for the Artemis mission. The first part of this mission, led by NASA, is due to take off on Monday afternoon (Monday morning in Florida). Direction: the Moon. I explain (almost) everything about this new chapter of space conquest in this article.


12:23 p.m. : Finally the Free lunch and The Telegram are interested in the launch of the Artemis mission, whose first rocket, uninhabited, will take off from Florida this afternoon (8:30 a.m. local time, 2:30 p.m. in France). The ultimate goal of this mission is to bring man back to the Moon.

12:40 p.m. : We begin with the traditional update on the news.

NASA’s new rocket, the most powerful in the world, is due to take off in the early afternoon (French time) from Cape Canaveral (Florida), heading for the Moon. This Artemis 1 mission is an unmanned test, it should last six weeks.

The Meeting of Entrepreneurs of France (REF) of the Medef opens with the highly anticipated speech of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who should call on companies to be energy sobriety. She will speak at the beginning of the afternoon.

A 19-year-old volunteer firefighter was charged and imprisoned for “destruction by fire”. He is suspected of being the cause of 31 fires in the Médoc (Gironde), between July 29 and August 21.

Paul Pogba claims to have been threatened last March by childhood friends and hooded bandits, including his brother, who demanded 13 million euros from him. Franceinfo summarizes its statements to the police, who opened an investigation for “extortion attempts”.

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