DIRECT. From the start of the school year, elementary school students will do 30 minutes of sport every day, announces Emmanuel Macron

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2:52 p.m. : “There will always be the maths specialty, but there will be the possibility offered to all students to choose outside the specialty the hour and a half of mathematics that had been taken out of the common core”, confirmed the Head of State in Marseille. The former Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, had already confirmed this project.

2:49 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron confirms the return of “optional” mathematics in first class from the start of the school year.

2:43 p.m. : Since September 2020, some 7,000 elementary schools have been experimenting with thirty minutes of daily physical activity, in addition to the hours of PE. Franceinfo went in March to a school in Joinville-le-Pont (Val-de-Marne) participating in the experiment.

2:35 p.m. : “We want to build greater attractiveness, restore desire for this profession [d’enseignant]. It’s a job that can change lives. Giving meaning to the teaching profession means restoring consideration and respect for the teaching profession, which also involves upgrading. It is also the immaterial part (…) ‘The republic gives me the means to do my job in the right conditions.'”

2:34 p.m. : On this new approach to education, Emmanuel Macron says that“We will assume that in some places it will work wonderfully, in others it will be more complicated, we will have to readjust. The answer is not monolithic. There will first be a national time and then a local time.”

2:19 p.m. : After his visit to a “laboratory” school in Marseille, Emmanuel Macron evokes “a new pact proposed to teachers” : “they have extra pay”, and “we give them the freedom to build the project that allows them to find meaning”.

2:18 p.m. : “We have 59 schools [à Marseille] with extraordinarily enthusiastic teams, who tell us: ‘Now you are not going fast enough, you have to go further’.”

2:15 p.m. : On the question of possible recruitments by the directors of establishments, “we are never going to get the heads of establishment to make their own transfer window”, responds Emmanuel Macron. “We want to give the possibility that the teacher who is recruited shares this project.

2:19 p.m. : The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, also speaks alongside the Head of State. “I want to underline the importance of this Marseille experience for the Ministry of National Education”, he said about the educational experimentation carried out by several schools in Marseille. The minister mentioned “the possibility of generalizing beyond the city of Marseille” this experiment.

2:09 p.m. : Having a school that prepares you for life, and teaches you knowledge, skills, reflexes. This is our objective. To have children who learn better, teachers who are better recognized, freer, better paid. Principals who are freer.”

2:09 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron, visiting a “laboratory” school in Marseille, speaks to journalists. You can follow his speech in our live.

12:52 p.m. : At the Menpenti school in Marseille, a maths laboratory must provide students with “a genuine activity of research and experimentation” relying on the “digital tools, manipulation and play”according to an internal document consulted by AFP. “But there are red lines: it is the school of the Republic, the equality of all schools”reacted the mayor of Marseille Benoît Payan, “opposite” recruitment by school principals.

12:50 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron, visiting a “laboratory” school in Marseille today, had launched the idea of ​​”school of the future” in September, presenting the emergency plan “Marseille in a big way”. The “school of the future” should allow establishments to finance an innovative project – around culture, languages, the environment or science – by giving school principals the opportunity to participate in the recruitment of their teaching staff. .

12:38 : Emmanuel Macron, visiting a “laboratory” school in Marseille, said that the ambition was to extend the educational experimentation of this establishment “everywhere in the territory” over the next few months. The school’s approach, contested by teachers’ unions, consists in putting means while giving “more pedagogical freedom for teachers”.

12:40 p.m. : The candidate for the legislative elections has obtained the regularization of his Guinean apprentice, who went on a ten-day hunger strike last year. He also organized a large humanitarian convoy for Ukraine.

12:40 p.m. : The baker Stéphane Ravacley, legislative candidate invested by Nupes under the colors of EELV in Besançon (Doubs), announces that one of his electoral posters has been covered with a large black swastika and the word “Nègre”. “It’s little nazillons who are not educated who did this. I’m not even surprised”he reacted, announcing his intention to file a complaint.

11:39 : Another new attribution of ministries announced in the Official Journal, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition, will define and implement “energy policy, in particular to ensure security of supply and access to energy, to combat climate change and to promote energy transition”. She will also be “competent” in the development of sustainable energies and the construction of new nuclear reactors.

11:33 am : Still on the new attributions of the ministries, Amélie de Montchalin, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, inherits in particular questions of sustainable development, protection of biodiversity, planning and the fight against pollution. ‘urban sprawl. The issues of quality of housing, energy efficiency and the fight against unfit housing are also his responsibility.

11:24 : The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin recovers in the new government the portfolio linked to the right of asylum and the integration of foreigners, which has been carried since 2020 by Marlène Schiappa, according to a decree of attributions published Thursday in the Official Journal . The Minister of the Interior therefore takes sole control of the entire file, as was the case under the government of Edouard Philippe, during the first five-year term of Emmanuel Macron.

11:27 : Brice Teinturier, Deputy CEO of Ipsos, ensures that the “French people very clearly have their minds elsewhere”while less than one in two French people (47%) say they are really interested in the legislative elections. “There is not really a campaign elsewhere. It is not that the French do not listen or do not hear, it is that this campaign is a non-object”also believes the Deputy CEO of Ipsos. “The French only have the feeling that everything has been said in the presidential election”, he adds.

10:40 a.m. : “We take [la dynamique de la Nupes] seriously because, both in the media, both in the polls, the only one that exists today, apart from the presidential majority, is Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

The majority “take seriously” the dynamics of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), assures LREM MP Aurore Bergé in “The 4 Truths” on France 2. “There is no other opposition today that has a strong and credible political existence”assures the deputy of Yvelines.

07:34 : While the legislative campaign officially began on Monday, the controversies plague the government and Emmanuel Macron: the Abad affair, the Stade de France… The entourage of the President of the Republic, who remains in the background for the moment , worries about a campaign “hopelessly flat”with only ten days left before the first round.

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