DIRECT. Former Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira “is considering being a presidential candidate”

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11:42 am : Here is the entire message posted on social networks by Christiane Taubira, who “considering” to be a candidate on condition of succeeding “The union” from the left.

11:40 a.m. : Bravo Christiane, our last chance to preserve our dignity

11:42 am : After the dumbest right in the world, here is the dumbest left in the world with its procession of egos. What is missing are the ideas, not the people!

11:39 a.m. : Hello Thank you for your work. Madame Taubira was once a terrible dividing factor (2002). She keeps. You don’t change a losing team. Sorry, want to cry

11:41 a.m. : I have great admiration for Christiane Taubira and the values ​​she represents. Yet what sign does she send to left-wing voters troubled by all these candidacies that fail to emerge? And above all what are his chances in the battle on the left to reach the second round? His candidacy is disturbing and will especially disturb the game a little more on the left and allow a “dignified” exit to Anne Hidalgo and Arnaud Montebourg … And his credibility in the face of the pandemic, a good subject for his detractors.

11:39 a.m. : Faced with the current frightening or disjointed “political landscape”, I thought I would vote for Macron. Christiane Taubira on the other hand? I’m voting for !

11:38 : In the comments, the candidacy proposed by Christiane Taubira arouses divergent opinions, sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes critical. Here is a selection of your posts.

11:35 : “If the PS, next month, wants to organize its primary, it’s up to him.”

For Yannick Jadot, the primary proposed by the socialist camp constitutes “a way out” to save the candidacy of Anne Hidalgo. He distances himself from his opponent’s program, “not up to the task” in terms of climate or Europe, according to him.

11:33 a.m. : In the wake of Christiane Taubira’s statement, the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot closes the door to any participation in a new primary. “It is no longer my subject and it is no longer that of the French”, he said, keeping “open arms” to the socialists who would like to join him.

11:35 : “I won’t be another candidate.”

Christiane Taubira suggests that she will only run on condition of bringing together the left forces behind her. “I will put all my strength into the last chances of the union”, she said, giving “see you in mid-January” for a decision on this.

11:26 : Saying to see adead end” to the left despite “applications from people of great value”, Christiane Taubira commits, in a video message, to “take [ses] responsibilities “ and paves the way for a candidacy for the Elysée.


11:26 : “I am considering being a candidate for the presidential election”, announces former minister Christiane Taubira.

11:31 : Marine Le Pen unveils her campaign slogan: “A woman of state for France”. Explanation of text from the RN candidate: “A stateswoman is someone who takes the measure of restoring state authority.”

10:01 am : On our set, the spokesperson for Eric Zemmour’s party, Reconquest, says he is working to build “bridges” with LR. “I have been a long-time adherent to the Republicans”, underlines Antoine Diers, affirming to have voted for Eric Ciotti before the congress of the party.

09h00 : It’s 9 a.m., here’s the gist of the news in four headlines:

• In an opinion much awaited by the government, the National Consultative Ethics Committee has given the green light to the opening of vaccination for all children from 5 to 11 years old. The authority is however opposed to a vaccination obligation and a health pass for children.

• A health defense council is scheduled at 4 pm at the Elysee Palace to decide on possible new measures to curb the epidemic. The executive announced yesterday a tightening of travel conditions between France and the United Kingdom, very affected by Omicron.

• What place does she intend to play in the countryside on the left? Former socialist justice minister Christiane Taubira is due to speak at the end of the morning with the intention of “weigh in on yourself to try to federate”, according to a relative.

• Olympic champions on their way to world gold? France faces Denmark at 5.30 p.m. in the semifinals of the World Cup in Spain. Les Bleues leave with the status of favorites, even if the Danes are also undefeated since the start of the tournament.

06:56 : In the wake of the speech of Christiane Taubira, the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo must speak at a press conference, at noon, to take stock of her proposal for a primary on the left. At 10:30 am, the ecologist Yannick Jadot must present part of his program around work and better living.

6:50 a.m. : People’s Primary organizers, who are pushing for a wide-left primary, confirm that “it is activated” in the team of Christiane Taubira, to whom they are close. “If she goes, it will be with us anyway”, they think they know.

6:47 a.m. : “She won’t speak to say nothing, it won’t be a postcard. “

A mysterious speech by Christiane Taubira is expected at the end of the morning on social networks. According to our information, the former Minister of Justice recently contacted Anne Hidalgo, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot.


6:10 a.m. : What is happening in this world? Here is a first point on the news:

• A new health defense council is planned this afternoon at the Elysee Palace, after which new measures could be unveiled. Yesterday, the executive already announced a tightening of travel conditions between France and the United Kingdom, very affected by Omicron.

• What place does she intend to play in the countryside on the left? Former socialist justice minister Christiane Taubira is due to speak at the end of the morning with the intention of “weigh in on yourself to try to federate”, according to a relative.

• A fire in a building housing a clinic in Osaka has claimed many lives, according to local firefighters. Relief has identified 27 people “in cardio-respiratory arrest”, whose death must be confirmed by a doctor.

• Olympic champions on their way to world gold? France faces Denmark at 5.30 p.m. in the semifinals of the World Cup in Spain. Les Bleues leave with the status of favorites, even if the Danes are also undefeated since the start of the tournament.

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