Find here all of our live #MACRON
8:14 p.m. : Good evening everyone! Glad to accompany you to shed some light on the President’s remarks during this evening.
8:12 p.m. : Good evening everyone ! I am delighted to follow with you this second interview with Emmanuel Macron on France 2. We are waiting for your questions!
8:15 p.m. : Good evening everyone. I took out my magnifying glass and my best internet browser to be able to provide you with the necessary details during this speech by the Head of State. Do not hesitate, moreover, to participate via the comments of this live.

8:12 p.m. : Over the next few hours, you will see the messages of several of my colleagues appear in this live: and for good reason, in order to cover the program “L’Evènement”, of which Emmanuel Macron is the guest, the team is reinforced . To transcribe the president’s interview, but also to shed political and economic light, my colleague Margaux Duguet and I will be at the helm. To decipher and verify certain statements by Emmanuel Macron, Clément Parrot and Quang Pham will also enter the scene. You know everything !
8:07 p.m. : Hop, here is a new point on the news:
Emmanuel Macron will be the guest for the second time on the program “L’Evénement” on France 2, at 8:30 p.m. You will be able to follow Caroline Roux’s interview with the President of the Republic live.
#SOULAGES After the death of Pierre Soulages, Rima Abdul Malak, the Minister of Culture, salutes in a press release a “pgreat embrace” and “a magician of matter”.
Doctolib will remove 5,700 practitioners promoting alternative medicine from its platform within six months, France Inter has learned. The site has chosen to only retain professionals referenced by the health authorities.
“I strongly deny the rumours, I have never harassed anyone.” The president of the French Football Federation reacted for the first time, in an interview with the Parisianto the testimonies of the anonymous complainants who accused him of behavior “inappropriate” and of “harassment”.
• In a short statement to the press, the public prosecutor of Brive (Corrèze) revealed that“Justine Vayrac’s handbag was discovered charred near the home of the detainee”. The 20-year-old has been missing since Sunday.
7:14 p.m. : Some in the Macronist camp are getting impatient. “The guideline, we cannot see it well. The expression of a reforming impulse is absent”, annoyed a framework of the majority. The Head of State will therefore engage in a difficult exercise with a triple objective: stick to the daily life of the French, set a course and remobilize his troops.
7:11 p.m. : Since his re-election last April, the President of the Republic has had a series of disappointments, in a difficult context with the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, as well as the economic and social crisis linked to inflation. Emmanuel Macron will try to “reset the course”declares a minister to franceinfo. “To hold the helm in the storm is to prevent the boat from taking on water and sinking. This is true for everyone, even for Macron.”

7:13 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron has an appointment tonight with the French for the second part of the France 2 program “L’Evénement”. President “controls his files” when he talks about international subjects, confides a minister to franceinfo, about the first broadcast; now he has to “take over people’s daily lives”.
6:59 p.m. : What are we watching on TV tonight?
• At the editorial office, we will be connected to France 2 from 8:30 p.m., to follow the interview with Emmanuel Macron as part of “L’Evénement”, the new political meeting of France Télévisions. On the program: inflation, unemployment, retirement, but also electric cars or immigration. You can follow the show and our decryptions in this live.
• And if not, you can rejoice as a family in front of Harry Potter: The Four Houses Tournament, from 9:15 p.m. on TMC.