DIRECT. Follow the 35th edition of the Telethon to help research on rare diseases

Find here all of our live #TELETHON

8:18 p.m. : From 9:05 pm, the Telethon evening will leave France 2 to switch to France 3. What does this 35th edition have in store for us? Testimonials, reports, science but also the show! Nolwenn Leroy, Bénabar, Gautier Capuçon, Clément Albertini and members of the Cirque Phoenix troupe will perform live on stage, while, under the lanterns of the Telethon tavern, Nelson Monfort, Philippe Candeloro, as well as the chef Mory Sacko will receive surprise guests.

There will even be pétanque challenges, in tribute to the Marseille origins of Soprano, sponsor of the Telethon this year.

8:09 p.m. : It is already time for our first update on the news of this evening:

# COVID_19 The bar of 2,000 patients in intensive care has been crossed again in France. According to Public Health France, there are 11,103 people hospitalized for a coronavirus infection (including 2,058 in intensive care), against 9,181 people, including 1,563 in intensive care, last Friday. Follow our live.

Let’s go for 30 hours of broadcasting and mobilization for research against rare diseases. The 35th edition of the Telethon has started on France Télévisions. You can follow our live stream, but also watch the program in streaming on France 2.

#PRESIDENTIAL At 6 p.m., the participation rate in the second round of the congress to decide between Eric Ciotti and Valérie Pécresse for the LR presidential candidacy was 61.7%, against 52.8% in the first round at the same time. .

The New Aquitaine Order of Physicians “blames” Professor Raoult. The 69-year-old infectious disease specialist from Marseille is accused of having promoted hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19, “without established scientific data”, which is similar to “quackery”, said the rapporteur of the disciplinary chamber during a hearing on November 5 in Bordeaux.

19:38 : Amber, 6 years old, suffers from spinal muscular atrophy type III, a rare genetic disorder which causes generalized muscle weakness. However, nothing stops him, as this report from our colleagues from France 3 shows.

7:00 p.m. : The Telethon is also challenges and events organized throughout France. On Twitter, the French Badminton Federation, the national police or even postal workers show us how they are mobilized for the occasion.

If you too are participating in an action for the Telethon, do not hesitate to send us some pictures!

6:46 p.m. : You can make a donation via the telephone platform 36 37 and on

6:46 p.m. : Last year, around 78 million euros were collected for the Telethon, or 10 million euros less than the previous year, in 2019. But Laurence Tiennot-Herment, president of the AFM, counts on greater mobilization in 2021, after a confined 2020 edition.

6:45 p.m. : Sophie Davant, Nagui and Cyril Féraud will be on the bridge from the central plateau of Lendit in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), but also place de l’Etoile in Paris, at the Stade de France, in the regions, in addition -sea and on social networks, for this great weekend of solidarity.

6:47 p.m. : Let’s go for 30 hours of broadcasting and mobilization for research against rare diseases. The 35th edition of the Telethon begins on France Télévisions. You can follow our live stream, but also watch the program that begins on France 2 in streaming.

6:22 p.m. : It is 6 p.m., here is a new point on the news:

The New Aquitaine Order of Physicians “blames” Professor Raoult. The 69-year-old infectious disease specialist from Marseille is accused of having promoted hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19, “without established scientific data”, which is similar to “quackery”, said the rapporteur of the disciplinary chamber during a hearing on November 5 in Bordeaux.

The 35th edition of this charity marathon in favor of research on rare diseases begins at 6:45 p.m. on France Télévisions. For 30 hours on the air, Sophie Davant, Nagui and Cyril Féraud will be on the bridge from the central plateau of Lendit in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), but also Place de l’Etoile in Paris, at the Stade de France , in regions, overseas and on social networks. An event to follow live here.

• At 6 p.m., the participation rate in the second round of the congress to decide between Eric Ciotti and Valérie Pécresse for the LR presidential candidacy was 61.7%, against 52.8% in the first round at the same time. . Xavier Bertrand, president of Hauts-de-France, said goodbye to his national ambitions. Antoine Comte explains to you how the former favorite of the polls on the right has missed the boat.

• Cédric Jubillar continued to proclaim his innocence during his hearing before two investigating judges at the Toulouse courthouse, franceinfo learned from one of his lawyers, Jean-Baptiste Alary. His hearing lasted five hours and ended at 3:45 p.m., reports France Bleu Occitanie.

6:00 p.m. : The 35th edition of this charity marathon in favor of research on rare diseases begins today from 6:45 pm on France Télévisions. For 30 hours on the air, Sophie Davant, Nagui and Cyril Féraud will be on the bridge from the central plateau of Lendit in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), but also Place de l’Etoile in Paris, at the Stade de France , in regions, overseas and on social networks. An event to follow live here.

5:44 p.m. : Since the creation of the Telethon, “we brought a revolution in medicine”, with in particular gene therapy treatments, provides on franceinfo Frédéric Revah, Managing Director of Généthon, the laboratory of the AFM-Telethon association. “Today we are treating diseases considered incurable until now”, he congratulates himself.

6:00 p.m. : The 35th edition of the Telethon begins this evening, sponsored this year by the singer Soprano. The France Télévisions teams met Jules, 5, suffering from myopathy, a rare genetic disease. On January 29, 2020, Jules was able to receive an injection of gene therapy as part of a clinical trial. The first effects of the treatment did not take long to be felt.

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