DIRECT. Faced with the risks of cuts and rationing, Elisabeth Borne calls on each company to establish its own energy sobriety plan

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3:17 p.m. : “Each sector will have objectives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change and will have to define a list of very concrete actions to be taken.”

3:19 p.m. : Elisabeth Borne “arrange to meet” to the French bosses at the beginning of October: “We will have a first assessment of the sobriety plans undertaken and the latest forecasts from the experts. I will then present the different scenarios and we will have a clearer view of the risk of rationing.”

3:16 p.m. : Faced with the risks of cuts and rationing, Elisabeth Borne invites each company to establish its own “sobriety plan” to save energy.

3:07 p.m. : “We all have a role to play, we must act collectively faster and stronger.”

“The time is no longer for half measures, the time is no longer for every man for himself, the time is for collective responsibility”, affirms the Prime Minister, inviting the State, companies and individuals to “prefer chosen savings rather than suffered cuts”.

3:08 p.m. : We already know that we will have less gas this winter than in previous years.”

3:02 p.m. : “Lhe summer we have just had is a powerful wake-up call, global warming is a danger.”

2:58 p.m. : Elisabeth Borne began a few seconds ago to speak in front of the Medef. The Prime Minister should call companies to energy sobriety. You can watch his speech live on video.

2:54 p.m. : 2 p.m. on the clock, time for a new point on the news:

Originally scheduled from 2:33 p.m., the launch of Artemis will apparently be delayed. An engine problem appeared. NASA should communicate. Follow our live.

The public prosecutor of Nice announces that he has opened an investigation for apology for terrorism after the broadcast of messages posted on certain social networks “referring to the attack of July 14, 2016 in Nice”.

Volodymyr Zelensky spoke this afternoon at the Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF) of the Medef. The Ukrainian President has appealed to companies in the construction and other sectors to come to Ukraine to allow the reconstruction of the country. “We need you to rebuild”he launched to the attention of the French bosses.

To follow from 2:30 p.m., the highly anticipated speech by Elisabeth Borne at the Medef Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF). The Prime Minister should call companies to energy sobriety.

1:25 p.m. : It’s noon and it’s time to take stock of the news:

NASA’s new rocket, the most powerful in the world, is to take off for the first time from Florida, heading for the Moon. This Artemis 1 mission is an unmanned test, it should last six weeks. Take-off scheduled for early afternoon, French time. Here is everything you need to know about this new episode of space exploration.

The Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF) of the Medef opens with the long-awaited speech (early afternoon) by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who should call on companies to be energy sober. It will ask them to make an effort to reduce their energy consumption by 10%. Follow our live.

A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is on its way to the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, announced its boss, Rafael Grossi. The G7 requires that this team have free access to the site. Follow our live.

Paul Pogba claims to have been threatened by childhood friends and hooded bandits, including his brother, who demanded 13 million euros from him last March. Franceinfo summarizes its statements to the police, who opened an investigation for “extortion attempts”.

1:21 p.m. : The High Authority of the Les Républicains party rejected the candidacy for the presidency of Virginie Calmels, because of a card renewal done too late. “Can only be candidates for the presidency of the party members up to date with their contributions on July 22, 2022. Unless the party services are mistaken, this was not your case”, wrote to the interested party the president of the High Authority of LR, Henri de Beauregard. Virginie Calmels immediately denounced “manoeuvres” aiming to “to avoid” his candidacy which “shakes up a well-oiled scenario written in advance”. Eric Ciotti is currently the other declared candidate to take over the leadership of the party.

1:19 p.m. : According to information from franceinfo, Elisabeth Borne is due to receive representatives of all political parties in the coming weeks. The ministers will, for their part, meet the parliamentarians directly: Bruno Le Maire and Gabriel Attal will discuss this week with elected officials from the majority but also from the PS and the right.

12:55 p.m. : Elisabeth Borne is expected this afternoon at the Medef Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF). In front of employers, the Prime Minister must therefore call on companies and individuals to “general mobilization” in terms of energy sobriety, with, always in mind, the Russian gas cuts which threaten European winters.

12:49 : While the Nupes wants to propose a tax on the super-profits of companies, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux assured France Inter that “the biggest super-profiteerthe one “Who makes the biggest super-profits is the state”. “Tax revenue for the first half of 2022 increased by 27 billion euros”he argued, explaining that it is “thanks to corporate super-profits”. “So this is good news for these companies, for their employees, but also for the French, for the State”according to the president of the first French employers’ organization.

12:47 : “We are going to try, we are going to make an effort, everyone is in the same boat, we obviously have an interest in reducing our consumption.”

Elisabeth Borne will ask, during her opening speech of the Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF) of the Medef, companies to reduce their energy consumption by 10%. But, on France Inter, the boss of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, assured that the leaders of the companies had not waited for the Prime Minister “to return to sobriety”. Bosses are rarely careless”he added.

09:49 : ? Energy savings: will the incentive be enough? ➡️ “No, it won’t go fast enough”, replies Jean-Marc Jancovici. “There is a downstream constraint: limiting emissions. And an upstream constraint: fossil fuels are exhaustible.”

12:46 p.m. : Companies and the French must be compelled to save energy, otherwise “it won’t go fast enough”says on franceinfo Jean-Marc Jancovici, climate and energy specialist, president of the think tank The Shift Project and creator of the carbon footprint.

12:40 p.m. : It’s time to take stock of the news.

NASA’s new rocket, the most powerful in the world, is to take off for the first time from Florida, heading for the Moon. This Artemis 1 mission is an unmanned test, it should last six weeks. Take-off scheduled for early afternoon, French time. Here is everything you need to know about this new episode of space exploration.

The Meeting of Entrepreneurs of France (REF) of the Medef opens with the highly anticipated speech of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who should call on companies to be energy sobriety. It will ask companies to make an effort to reduce their energy consumption by 10%. She will speak at the beginning of the afternoon.

A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is on its way to the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant, announces its boss, Rafael Grossi. The mission should arrive on site “later this week”.

Paul Pogba claims to have been threatened in March by childhood friends and hooded bandits, including his brother, who demanded 13 million euros from him. Franceinfo summarizes its statements to the police, who opened an investigation for “extortion attempts”.

12:38 : “If companies are not up to it”the government “will have to activate much more restrictive measures”, warns Matignon. According to information from franceinfo, the government’s watchword for this return to school will be “savings chosen rather than rationing suffered”. A review of this 10% reduction measure will be made within a month.

12:37 : Elisabeth Borne will ask companies to reduce their energy consumption by 10%, learned franceinfo from Matignon. The Prime Minister will give a speech at the Meeting of French Entrepreneurs (REF) of the Medef during which she will call on companies to be energy sober.

12:19 p.m. : We start the press review with The echoes who look at Elisabeth Borne’s speech against the Medef. The head of government will talk to business owners about the need for energy sobriety to deal with the difficulties expected this winter.

12:40 p.m. : We begin with the traditional update on the news.

NASA’s new rocket, the most powerful in the world, is due to take off in the early afternoon (French time) from Cape Canaveral (Florida), heading for the Moon. This Artemis 1 mission is an unmanned test, it should last six weeks.

The Meeting of Entrepreneurs of France (REF) of the Medef opens with the highly anticipated speech of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, who should call on companies to be energy sobriety. She will speak at the beginning of the afternoon.

A 19-year-old volunteer firefighter was charged and imprisoned for “destruction by fire”. He is suspected of being the cause of 31 fires in the Médoc (Gironde), between July 29 and August 21.

Paul Pogba claims to have been threatened last March by childhood friends and hooded bandits, including his brother, who demanded 13 million euros from him. Franceinfo summarizes its statements to the police, who opened an investigation for “extortion attempts”.

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