Find here all of our live #END_DE_VIE
11:22 : Before slipping away, the president enjoys a walkabout in the middle of the “conventionals”. Two of them will join us in this “live” at midday, you can already ask them your questions.
11:17 a.m. : “It is by being faithful to your method, to your ethics, that we will be faithful to your ambitions.”
Believing that the work of the citizens’ convention has made it possible “A further step towards consensus”he emphasizes that these will be “now prosecuted by the government and by parliamentarians by the end of the summer”.
11:14 a.m. : “A country has waited for you, now it hears you.”
Addressing the members of the citizens’ convention, the Head of State concluded: “I don’t have to promise you to take up one or the other of your conclusions, they will live their course. Your victory is that they exist.”
11:07 : Emmanuel Macron says he wants a bill on the end of life “by the end of summer 2023
11:07 : “I ask the government, in conjunction with parliamentarians (…), to carry out a work of co-construction on the basis of this solid reference which is that of the citizens’ convention.”
The president hints that he will close the door on a possible opening of active help for minors, among others “red lines”.
11:05 a.m. : “I have a personal opinion that can evolve, evolves, maybe will evolve.”
On the issue of active assistance in dying, the Head of State is moving more cautiously. He believes that the citizens’ convention bears “a requirement and expectation of a French end-of-life model”. “We will answer it”he assures.
11:17 a.m. : “We need to build a ten-year national plan for pain management and the development of palliative care, with the necessary investments.“
For Emmanuel Macron, the “first pillar of the response” that it intends to contribute to the conclusions of the citizens’ convention and the various works on the subject is “perhaps the least spectacular response” : that of the best application of the existing framework.
11:00 : In response to claims “unanimous”the president says he wants to guarantee a “universality of access to palliative care” And “renovate the bereavement support policy“.
10:59 : “The increase in the number of palliative care beds is too slow, the supply too unevenly distributed.”
“The palliative culture has not been sufficiently appropriated by caregivers, for lack of training”says the head of state.
10:57 : “Our end-of-life support system remains poorly adapted to contemporary requirements.”
The President greets a “conversation from all over the country“ which began around end-of-life issues.
10:56 : Emmanuel Macron announces that he will seize the Economic, Social and Environmental Council “on other questions relating to the life of the nation” for future citizens’ conventions.
10:57 : “A unique experience has been invented with this citizens’ convention which should serve as a reference for us.”
Emmanuel Macron salutes the“work of democratic reinvention” what the citizens’ convention was. It evokes “a French model of discussion ethics” embodied by “engaged citizens”.
11:24 : “A citizens’ convention never replaces parliamentary deliberation, but it prepares for it and enables it.“
“A citizens’ convention soothes”believes the Head of State, who judges that it is necessary “find a cure” to the “democratic rust” defined by Alexis de Tocqueville in his day.
10:53 : “You have brought this democratic innovation of the citizens’ convention to maturity.”
Referring to the citizens’ convention for the climate, the Head of State affirms that it had “imperfectly convinced”, “had imperfections” And “had raised questions about the method and follow-up“.
10:48 : “You have worked with rigor, and with remarkable respect and consideration for each other.”
The Head of State salutes the seriousness of the work and the commitment of the 184 participants in the citizens’ convention.
10:47 : The day after the adoption of the report of the citizens’ convention, Emmanuel Macron takes the floor. It evokes the beginning of a “second time” end of life debate. You can follow the president’s speech in our live.

10:25 a.m. : The members of the citizens’ convention took place at the Elysée, where two of them must now present the conclusions of their work to Emmanuel Macron. Ministers Olivier Véran, François Braun and Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, who follow the end-of-life file, as well as parliamentarians, are also present.

09:33 : What future for citizens’ conventions? Displaying her “satisfaction” on the progress of the work on the end of life, the Elysée Palace slipped, yesterday, that it “would be a shame if we did not use this tool for a certain number of subjects”without further details.
09:31 : Some members of the citizens’ convention describe how their opinion on active assistance in dying has evolved over the course of the work. “Let’s say I rounded up”slips Nicole, who has become aware of the “barriers that absolutely must be put in place to avoid abuses”.
09:39 : “Democracy should not be left to the experts. Any citizen, if he is given the means, if he is given information, if he is given the time, can have his say.”
Our journalist Solenne Le Hen attended, yesterday, the last working day of the citizens’ convention. Several participants told him their vision of this adventure.
09:22 : The Head of State must speak at 11 a.m., after an hour of discussion with the citizens. According to the presidency, he could draw initial conclusions from the citizens’ convention and “probably pave the way for a possible act 2 in this national debate”.

09:22 : The members of the citizens’ convention are on their way to the Elysée, where they must be received by Emmanuel Macron from 10 a.m. At the beginning of the afternoon, two of them will be our guests to answer your questions in this live. Do not hesitate to send them your questions now!
07:14 : “We have been living in this debate for 20 years (…) We have had three Leonetti laws and we can see that it does not work: There are people who go abroad all the time and we have the highest suicide rate among older people in the OECD area”.
The Head of State receives from 9 am this morning the 184 members of the Citizens’ Convention.