DIRECT. Élisabeth Borne in Mayotte

Élisabeth Borne, in Mayotte for a 24-hour visit this Friday, December 8. Follow the entire visit live during special editions on Mayotte la 1ère, on TV, radio, and internet.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne is in Mayotte this December 8 for a ministerial visit.

The program includes key stages such as a visit to a desalination plant, the distribution of drinking water, the Republican welcome in Mamoudzou, a meeting in the Koungou slum, and discussions with the law enforcement officers involved. in the fight against illegal immigration.

The entire day will be followed live during special editions on Mayotte la 1ère, on television, radio, and internet.

  • The special edition of La matinale at 6:30 a.m.
  • The mid-day edition live from the Departmental Council
  • The special edition live from Case Rocher with the exclusive interview with the Prime Minister to conclude the day.

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