DIRECT. Elisabeth Borne announces her roadmap this Wednesday to achieve the “100 days of action” requested by Emmanuel Macron

What there is to know

A roadmap to turn the page on pension reform? Elisabeth Borne must present the government’s program for the coming months to the Council of Ministers, then present it at a press conference at noon, Wednesday, April 26. Its announcements must materialize the intention displayed by Emmanuel Macron, during his speech on April 17, to enter into “100 days of appeasement” And “action”. Follow our live.

What topics will the Prime Minister address? The Head of State had drawn three axes “priorities” : work, public services, as well as the justice associated with“republican and democratic order”. He also recalled, on Sunday, the importance in his eyes of the law on immigration and the fight against food inflation.

An interview on France 2 on Thursday. The head of government will have another opportunity to detail the action of the government in the coming months: she will be the guest of “Four Truths” on France 2, Thursday, at 7:30 a.m.

Emmanuel Macron wants to “move forward”. The President of the Republic said on Monday, in Ostend (Belgium), that he wanted to ignore the protests about pensions and “beat on the country’s major projects”, from unemployment to ecological transition. Same message on Tuesday, in Loir-et-Cher: “You have to look at the lives of our compatriots and not at the scenery. If I stop and look at the scenery with you, it will not help the country move forward”he told reporters.

The government hardens the tone on the “casserolades”. Ihe Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, denounced Tuesday on franceinfo the “temptation of violence” of certain demonstrators who waited for him on Monday at the Gare de Lyon. Gabriel Attal, the Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts, for his part considered that the casserole concerts were not the work of the “French who work”.

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