DIRECT. Can tech be sustainable?


On the occasion of the VivaTech show, the franceinfo Talk focuses on the sustainability of new technologies. Ludo Pauchant receives Philippe Bihouix, engineer and promoter of Low-Tech, Flavie Vonderscher, head of advocacy at the HOP association (Stop Planned Obsolescence) as well as Marion Graeffly, co-founder of Télé Coop, the first cooperative telecom operator.

Wednesday May 22, the Vivatech show launches its eighth edition for four days of conferences. Located at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center, the show welcomes nearly 2,800 exhibitors and hopes to receive around 150,000 visitors this year.

Towards new sustainable technologies

Like every year, the Vivatech show determines a theme and this year it is artificial intelligence as well as the question of “sustainable tech” which are in the spotlight. However, how can we think about new sustainable technologies when their production depends on the exploitation of rare metals or when marketing pushes us to buy the latest models.

Also, thinking about moving towards more sustainable technologies also means rethinking our way of consuming these new technologies. Often accused of greenwashing, how can tech companies continue to develop their innovations while respecting the planet? How to educate consumers about repairability reflexes? Should we better regulate the mechanisms of technical and marketing obsolescence to fight against digital pollution?

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