DIRECT. Before the verdict, Nordahl Lelandais renews “his apologies” to the family of Maëlys de Araujo

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09:38 : After Nordahl Lelandais’ brief speech, the hearing is suspended. The jury will now have to answer the 15 questions contained in the indictment and determine the sentence to be pronounced. This deliberation could extend until the end of the afternoon.

09:35 : “Objectively, this is the sentence we are waiting for: life and 22 years of security.”

While awaiting the verdict at the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, this lawyer for the civil parties welcomes the requisitions of the general prosecutor’s office, yesterday. Such a decision by the jurors would allow “it’s up to the family to move on”even if “the reconstruction will be very difficult”.

09:28 : Before the court retires to deliberate, Nordahl Lelandais has one last opportunity to speak to the jurors. Anyone who is “celebrating” his 39th birthday today is renewing his “apologies”as reported by our special correspondent Violaine Jaussent.

09:11 : Here is a new point on the news of this Friday:

• And five gold medals for France! Biathlete Justine Braisaz-Bouchet was crowned Olympic mass start champion, before the men’s event where Quentin Fillon Maillet is aiming for a historic grand slam at the Winter Games. See you in an hour in our live.

• After three weeks of hearing, the hour of the verdict. The Isère Assize Court will retire this morning to deliberate, following the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, judged in particular for the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys de Araujo in 2017. The public prosecutor’s office requested the perpetuity.

• Faced with nuclear production at half mast and government measures against soaring energy prices, EDF will be bailed out by the State. Bercy announces a public participation of 2.1 billion euros in this recapitalization of a total amount of 2.5 billion.

• From Seine-Maritime to the North, five departments on the Channel coast are placed on orange alert due to strong winds and the risk of submersion on the coasts. Rail traffic is severely disrupted in Normandy and Hauts-de-France.

08:58 : “My sister sacrificed his life to stop this dangerous criminal.”

On the last day of the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, Colleen De Araujo, 17 years old (on the right in the photo), returns to franceinfo on his intervention at the hearing last week. “I wanted to unload my hate and all the sadness I had inside. It was very important to me and I wanted to do it for my sister and for her memory. I think she deserved it.”


06:02 : It’s Friday, February 18, it’s 6 a.m., the news is waking up:

• Outdoor markets cancelled, parks and gardens closed, walks not recommended… The prefect of the North calls for caution in the face of winter storm Eunice, which will reach “a peak of crisis in the middle of the afternoon”. Five departments on the Channel coast are placed on orange alert.

• Mayhem in sight in Ile-de-France transport due to a wage strike at the RATP. Eight metro lines will remain closed and traffic will be greatly reduced on six others, as well as on RER A and B. The executive calls on companies to promote teleworking for their employees.

• After three weeks of hearing, the hour of the verdict. The Assize Court of Isère will retire this morning to deliberate, following the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, tried in particular for the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys De Araujo in 2017. The public prosecutor’s office requested the perpetuity.

The Grand Slam for Quentin Fillon Maillet? If he finishes on the podium of the mass-start event, scheduled for 10 a.m., the French biathlete will sign an unprecedented feat in the history of the Winter Games, all sports combined, winning six medals in six races. Follow our live.

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