Direct Assisted dying, palliative care… Ask us your questions about the end-of-life bill, our journalist answers them now

Franceinfo answers you. A few hours before the examination of the bill on the end of life by the deputies, our journalist Yann Thompson invites you, Monday May 27, from 1:15 p.m., to a question and answer session in this live, to answer your questions about assisted dying, palliative care or end of life in general. You can send him your messages from Franceinfo live. Follow our live stream.

The first day of the rest of the end-of-life debate. Discussions in the National Assembly hemicycle will begin at 4 p.m. Examination of the text must last two weeks, until June 7, before a solemn vote scheduled for June 11. The bill will then head to the Senate, where it could be debated in the fall, a new stage in a long legislative journey which should not lead to final adoption before the summer of 2025.

The government in search of “balance”. the Minister of Health, Catherine Vautrin, recalled, Monday morning, that the government intended “invest now” in palliative care, “even before the text is voted on”. “The objective is palliative care for everyone. (…) No one in France should be led to ask for assistance in dying because they have not had palliative care”she declared at the microphone of BFMTV, recalling that, “when a patient who is not in palliative care requests assistance in dying, the first offer that will be made to them will be to benefit from palliative care”.

The general rapporteur denies any “revolution” in committee. MoDem deputy Olivier Falorni believes that “the balance” from the government text “has not been modified” by the adjustments made by the deputies in committee. Replacement of the vital prognosis criterion “engaged in the short or medium term” by that of affection “in advanced or terminal phase” born “not intended to open or restrict” access to assistance in dying, but to remove any vagueness and allow the law to be “applicable”he insisted on franceinfo.

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