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4:16 p.m. : The Olympics as a means of pressure for opponents of pension reform? The hashtag “No withdrawal, no Olympics“ flourishes on social networks. Understand: the promise to disrupt the Olympic and Paralympic Games and their preparations. Jean-Rémi Baudot tells you more.
1:56 p.m. : @93Fsu @Solidaires93 @fo93syndicats @93Cfdt The president has just walked in #seinesaintdenis let’s organize his non-welcome! #UsquauRetrait
1:58 p.m. : The unions of Seine-Saint-Denis are calling for a rally this evening on the forecourt of the town hall of Saint-Denis, to welcome Emmanuel Macron, who will go there.
1:49 p.m. : “A diary is done by three people. That is to say that since the unions were not there, we have to contact the unions.“
At the exit of the Elysée, where he met Emmanuel Macron this morning, the boss of Medef says he does not want to commit “in negotiations if in advance we know that it will fail”.
1:08 p.m. : It’s time for the best-of of our content of the day:
• It aims “100 days of appeasement” : what is President Emmanuel Macron’s timetable for achieving this objective? We tell you everything in this article.
• Without water, electricity or supplies, residents are trapped in the fighting. In Karthoum and Darfur, they describe scenes of guerrilla warfare and looting.
• #DROUGHT To adapt or not to climate change, that is the question for farmers. Our journalist Marie-Adélaïde Scigacz explains the financial obstacles that can hinder this transition.
11:55 a.m. : “The objective that we must give ourselves is that the complete agenda of the negotiations be defined in the coming weeks, the coming months in a solid way, (…) and that we give you the time to negotiation, I would say until the end of this year, in order to be able to build this pact.”
11:51 a.m. : Emmanuel Macron gives “until the end of this year” to the social partners to reach an agreement on a “work life pact”.
11:43 am : Emmanuel Macron is currently detailing at the Elysée his priorities in front of employers, since the unions have refused the invitation. The president let the cameras in for the start of this meeting. “We have to work on careers, because we can clearly see that, in what many of our compatriots say, the crushing of careers during life despairs everyone a little…”declared in particular the Head of State.
11:38 : After the statements, the pitch. The Elysée announces a trip by the President of the Republic tomorrow to Muttersholtz (Bas-Rhin). This town has been self-sufficient in electricity for six months, as explained by France 3.
11:14 a.m. : Good morning . The figure of 15.1 million also comes from Médiamétrie. Indeed, a first figure of 13.43 million circulated, but it did not include the hearing of the news channels.
11:13 a.m. : According to the figures of Médiamétrie, it is a little more than 13 million who watched the speech of the president and not 15 million
11:08 : After the watch, the frames. With each television intervention by Emmanuel Macron, certain details are of close interest to viewers. Yesterday, the latter were surprised by two executives placed on the desk of the Head of State. It could be several shots of the wedding of Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron in the largest frame and a symbolic portrait of Charles de Gaulle for the smaller frame.
10:43 am : You are right @senior and it ended badly a hundred days later with the defeat at Waterloo. Asked about this choice of words by Emmanuel Macron, Olivier Véran assures us that we regularly use the expression, in particular to talk about “First 100 days of a term”. But the expression is rather normally used at the beginning of a cycle. “There, we are in a particular period, we have just experienced a strong social crisis in our country”justifies the government spokesperson on franceinfo.
10:43 am : The hundred days were the last of Napoleon!…
10:07 : Good morning . I don’t have quite the same numbers. The 15.1 million viewers for Emmanuel Macron’s television address represent 69.5% of the audience share, according to figures from Médiamétrie. This means that nearly 7 out of 10 people who were watching television at the time were watching the speech.
10:07 : I found this figure (to be confirmed): “On average, 44 million French people watch the small screen every day.” Which means that around 29 million viewers watched something other than Macron.
09:45 : The general secretary of the CGT, Sophie Binet, tackled a presidential address that “could have been made by ChatGPT”. We therefore wanted to check what artificial intelligence would have written and here is the result: barely five minutes of speech (compared to thirteen for Emmanuel Macron), with astonishing elements of language.
09:45 : Good morning @Over 10 million. Emmanuel Macron’s last speech, on March 23, during an interview broadcast on TF1 and France 2 (and on the news channels), brought together 11.5 million people. Last June, 15.5 million viewers watched the president’s previous speech on the legislative elections. Finally, on March 2, 2022, at the start of the war in Ukraine, the speech of the President of the Republic had been followed by more than 21 million French people, audiences similar to those known during the health crisis.
09:24 : Do you have the evolution of audiences over the long term of Emmanuel Macron? THANKS.
09:21 : In detail, the TF1 channel brought together 5.9 million people, France 2 was followed by 4.87 million viewers, M6 1.78 million and TMC 882,000, according to Médiamétrie.
09:15 : Nearly 15.1 million viewers followed Emmanuel Macron’s speech, according to figures from Médiamétrie.
09:16 : “No one will gag the French, we will continue to fight against this reform”launched Fabien Roussel this morning on France 2, the day after Emmanuel Macron’s speech. “He steals two years of life from us and now he wants the French to project themselves with him?”was surprised the national secretary of the PCF.
09:01 : “We have to resume this important project of the employment of seniors. This is one of the topics of discussion that await the unions and the President of the Republic when they see each other.”
08:54 : “I am announcing to you that we are going to accelerate the pace of debt reduction in France.”
Guest of BFMTV, Bruno the Mayor announces that he will present a plan on Thursday morning to reduce the public debt.
08:48 : “We have solid growth which is creating jobs, the results are there, we must continue to accelerate.”
A morning, a minister. On BFM TVBruno the Mayor also defends the government’s balance sheet. “What the oppositions offer is the great sleep”adds the Minister of the Economy.
08:42 : “A lot of French people talk to us, alongside the subject of pensions, about everyday subjects that are dear to them.”
On franceinfo, Olivier Véran continues the after-sales service of the presidential address. “Restricting the concerns of the French to the sole question of pensions would be to miss the mark. (…) They want to have stronger local public services, they are worried about their school, their hospital, their safety…”
08:30 : “Emmanuel Macron imposes, he governs against the people.”
On Franceinfo, Sébastien Chenu accuses the President of the Republic of being “totally off the mark”. For him, “the main fault” of Emmanuel Macron during his speech is “to say that he will continue as if nothing had happened, in a kind of parallel world, in a totally lunar way”.
07:58 : The Minister of Public Accounts announces that it has prepared a plan for better fight against tax evasion and social fraud. In particular, he wants to double the inspectors in the area of tax evasion.
07:57 : “I believe the president is asking us to continue building a Marshall Plan for the middle classes in the months to come.”
On France Inter, Gabriel Attal currently provides after-sales service for the presidential address. The minister affirms that the government will allow the French to “better living from their work” and to have a “better access to public services”.
07:50 : “Macron straight in his boots”, “He never gives up”, “Like a sound of pans”, “100 days to overcome anger”… The regional daily press also comments on the presidential address.

07:39 : Le Figaro title on the migratory pressure in Italy, but also evokes on its one the speech of Emmanuel Macron. “The Head of State addressed the French to try to get his five-year term out of the crisis”explains the conservative daily (paid item).

07:40 : The newspaper Humanity title on “The Dodge” of the President of the Republic. “Emmanuel Macron has shown himself for the umpteenth time totally disconnected from the violent rejection he now inspires in the country”alert the daily (paid item) close to the Communist Party.

07:40 : Releasewhich is celebrating its 50th anniversary, evokes “the big void” on the front page of his current notebook. “For the mea culpa, we will come back”comments the left-wing daily (paid item).

07:19 : Let’s move on to our traditional press review, largely devoted to Emmanuel Macron’s speech. “100 days to forget about pensions”announcement Opinion. The Head of State will take stock of the projects launched yesterday, July 14.

06:53 : What is the calendar of the “100 days of appeasement” wanted by Emmanuel Macron? The projects put forward by the Head of State, last night in his speech, aim to allow the executive to open up new perspectives and to emerge from the crisis in which it has been mired for several months. We take stock.