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10:14 am : The attack on LREM deputy for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Stéphane Claireaux is a sign that “our democracy is clearly in danger”, according to Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, deputy Agir de Seine-Maritime and spokesperson for Horizons, the party of Édouard Philippe. For the one who recently lodged a complaint after being threatened with beheading for her position on the health pass, “the red line has been crossed”.
10:38 : “There were 322 threats against MPs, two-thirds of them against MPs from my LREM group, over the year 2021. We have always been open to dialogue, but dialogue implies that there are two.”
The president of the LREM group in the National Assembly, Christophe Castaner, ensures that the aggression suffered by the deputy of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Stéphane Claireaux, “is cowardice, in the face of a lonely and peaceful man”. “Stéphane, with whom I spoke last night, went out, he invited them to speak and they refused. They threw algae in his face with the aggressiveness that we have seen”, he added.
09:53 : Jean-Michel Blanquer, the Minister of National Education, was the guest of the “4 Vérités” on France 2. He returned to the difficulties due to the health protocol in schools. “We put eleven million more self-tests this week and then we support, through departmental cells, all pharmacies and school administrators. With staff to administratively help school administrators, we have 1,300 full-time equivalents spread across the constituencies“, he explains.
08:24 : Employees who can have had to return to teleworking at least three days a week for a week, in the face of the exponential increase in Covid-19 contamination. Emeline, an executive in the pharmaceutical industry, is well versed in the exercise but hopes it won’t last too long.
08:11 : Another possible scenario: the virus continues to circulate, especially in winter, but the collective immunity conferred by infection and by vaccination is sufficient to prevent the majority of serious forms. A scenario considered probable by many experts … but with deadlines ranging from a few months to a few years. To learn more, check out my article.
08:06 : “In the history of major viruses such as measles or smallpox, contracting the disease gave rise to lifelong sterilizing immunity, that is to say, preventing catching and transmitting the virus.”
First scenario: the total eradication of the virus. Unfortunately, this hypothesis, which has already occurred in the case of smallpox, is very unlikely, especially since infection with Covid-19 or vaccines do not prevent catching it again.
08:04 : The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, aroused a ray of hope by assuring that the fifth wave of Covid-19 would be “maybe the last”. Is the end of Covid-19 really coming soon? I asked scientists what the end of the pandemic could look like.
07:51 : For Valérie Pécresse, the vaccination pass, currently under discussion in Parliament, must be “strictly reduced in time” for “protect the French”. According to the candidate of the right, it is necessary that“it will be deleted (…) as soon as there is an ebb of the pandemic”. The president of the Ile-de-France region says “not wanting to achieve freedom [des Français] more than is necessary and that is the risk with a sine die vaccination pass “.
07:49 : “If re-containment was necessary, we could not re-confine people who made the effort to make three doses of the vaccine”, declares Valérie Pécresse, the Republican candidate, on franceinfo.
07:04 : The other big subject in the press this morning is obviously the Covid-19, and in particular the rush on tests, as written The Parisian Where Champagne Liberation.

07:06 : Hello @Ano, indeed, a scary name became for a few hours the most used keyword on French Twitter: Deltacron. The result of the announcement by a professor at the University of Cyprus on Friday claiming to have discovered a new variant of the virus responsible for Covid-19. He describes it as “combination” of Delta and Omicron, hence the nickname he gave it. But scientists have questioned his findings. You will learn more about it by reading this article.
6:40 a.m. : Hello I saw on a social network that a new variant of Delta and Omicron had just discovered. Is it true ? Thank you for your reply. Good day to you
07:06 : “There was a car that was laden with seaweed, seaweed, and people started throwing me at me. It looked like stoning.“
The deputy La République en Marche of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Stéphane Claireaux, announces on franceinfo that he will file a complaint after being assaulted in front of his home on the sidelines of the demonstrations against the health pass on Sunday, January 9.
07:08 : The aggression of Stéphane Claireaux, deputy for Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, on the sidelines of a demonstration against the sanitary pass, made the Minister of the Sea Annick Girardin react. “He was violently assaulted and it’s a scandal”, she assured on franceinfo. Stéphane Claireaux wanted “exchange, defend your point of view and it got out of hand”, she added, claiming that “the aggressors are identified and prosecuted”.