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Journalist Marie Jolly is live from Dijon, Côte-d’Or, Friday, May 6. The city inaugurates an international city of gastronomy and wine.
Friday, May 6, the city of Dijon (Côte-d’Or) inaugurates the first international city of gastronomy and wine. “Here, the idea is to bring to life the French meal listed as a World Heritage Site”, indicates the journalist Marie Jolly, live from the gastronomic city, Friday, May 6. In this city, visitors will be able to find shops of local producers: charcuterie, cheese, mustard.
“We will also find large exhibitions. There will also be restaurants, but not just any restaurants with starred chefs”, continues the journalist. Training around the wine and cooking professions will also be offered. After the failure of the city of gastronomy in Lyon (Rhône), the mayor of Dijon ensures that the project of his city is different. “He even hopes to be able to attract 1 million visitors here every year”, concludes Marie Jolly.