Digital transformation | “To make work easier”

Patrick Bourgeois suspected that he would need state-of-the-art tools to pursue the development of his business, especially since he was considering making an acquisition. And the strategic thinking he carries out every three years convinced him that he needed to accelerate the digital transformation of his company.

Posted at 1:00 p.m.

John Gagnon
special collaboration

So after reviewing all aspects of his business – investments, products, people and, of course, IT – Patrick Bourgeois, CEO of Industries GRC/Batko, decided to call on experts who would come to guide him in the digital transformation of his company. He then called on the Trans-Al Network, an association of aluminum processing manufacturing companies that contributes to the technological advancement of its members. This then led him to Investissement Québec and the Center de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ).


Patrick Bourgeois, CEO of GRC/Batko Industries

An adviser then came to assess the state of the situation, set the issues and priorities.

We understood that we had several challenges ahead of us, including software implementation, server updates, and cybersecurity.

Patrick Bourgeois, CEO of GRC/Batko Industries

Correct the shot

Les Industries GRC is a metal products manufacturing company in Jonquière founded in 1987 whose mission is to transform sheet metal into finished products, such as enclosures, cabinets or components, custom or standard, meeting the needs and requirements of its customers.

In July 2021, Patrick Bourgeois acquired Batko, a manufacturing plant in Portneuf specializing in protective cases for surveillance and multimedia equipment.

“In our digital transformation journey, the situation at Batko seemed somewhat different to us, because the company was facing a need for modernization, explains the CEO. We initially took the wrong direction, but we quickly corrected the situation,” he says.

In any digital transformation project, you have to have people who know the field well to ensure that the plan will be solid, notes Mr. Bourgeois, who is already toying with a new project to equip all workstations with a screen in order to to facilitate the work of all employees.

Engage employees

Any digital transformation plan must take employees into account, also notes Patrick Bourgeois.

At Batko, some initially were somewhat reluctant to IT, but most are happy with the new arrangements.

At GRC, the impact on employees has been less significant so far, but the new workstation project will confirm this. “One thing is certain, we will listen to them and try to accommodate them, assures Mr. Bourgeois. You have to serve customers well, but that requires taking good care of your employees. “It is important that they are happy, according to him.

If IT is at the heart of the digital transformation of companies, Patrick Bourgeois believes that it must first be at the service of individuals. “To make the job easier,” he says. Computers help to develop workers’ skills. We are still far from where we want to go, but we are on the right track. »

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