Video length: 2 min
Sex criminals: difficulties in preventing recidivism
Sex criminals: difficulties in preventing recidivism
(France 2)
Raped by Taha O. when he had just arrived in France, the first victim of Philippine’s alleged murderer questions in a letter the inability of the prison system to prevent his recurrence. Although measures exist to prevent the recidivism of sex criminals, several problems arise.
In a letter that she wanted to make public, the first victim of Taha O., the alleged murderer of Philippine, asks: “Why did the prison system fail to prevent this recidivism?” In France, the recidivism rate for rape is 5.5%. To try to prevent them, sex criminals are automatically registered in a file called FIJAIS. They must then provide proof of their postal address every six months. The file can be consulted for 30 years by the authorities.
Half of sex criminals are also sentenced to treatment in prison and after their release. 22 prisons specialize in housing sex criminals. However, today, according to the prison controller, this remains insufficient. Due to lack of staff, a third of treatment appointments are canceled. Another pitfall: this care would rarely be ordered for foreigners awaiting expulsion. Taha O.’s first victim is now calling for a commission of inquiry into the prevention of recidivism.
Watch the full report in the video above.
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