difficult “to do differently with the same conductor and musicians” according to Laurent Jacobelli

The investiture ceremony for Emmanuel Macron’s second term took place on Saturday May 7 at the Elysée, in the presence of former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, among others, as well as the government, parliamentarians and personalities from the world of sport. or culture.

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“It’s complicated to do things differently with the same conductor and the same musicians”estimated Saturday, May 7 on franceinfo Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally, after the investiture ceremony of Emmanuel Macron for a second term as President of the Republic.

“Who can believe that Emmanuel Macron 2022 will be very different from Emmanuel Macron 2017? You just have to see the ceremony and the guests, you always find the same ones”adds Laurent Jacobelli, who believes that the Head of State is “the president who divided France” during his previous term.

Among the 450 guests at this investiture ceremony, many former ministers and few members of the opposition, which is proof, for Laurent Jacobelli, that “the President of the Republic governs with his people, isolated”it’s a “President above ground, with an aeropagus around him who has missed everything during the five years that have passed”. RN spokesman calls on voters to send to Emmanuel Macron “a great signal to the legislative elections”because he won the presidential election, according to him, only thanks to “an unlikely coalition”who go “of the most radical left” to “the softest right”.

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