difficult international talks around a “humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip

Talks intensify for a “ceasefire” or a “break” humanitarian in the Gaza Strip, Wednesday October 25. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) may have to cease operations in the evening due to lack of fuel. Subject to an Israeli blockade since the Islamist movement Hamas took power there in 2007, the Gaza Strip has been placed in a state of emergency since October 9. “complete seat”, without water, electricity or food. Follow our live stream.

Antonio Gutteres calls for a “humanitarian ceasefire”. The UN Secretary General denounced the “clear violations” of humanitarian law in Gaza and called for a “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”, before a Security Council still divided on the 18th day of the war. The UN General Assembly, whose resolutions are non-binding, will discuss this issue on Thursday.

Emmanuel Macron in Jordan. The French president continues his trip to Amman which began on Tuesday and aims to prevent military escalation and relaunch the “peace process” for the creation of a Palestinian state. He will be received in the morning by the King of Jordan, Abdullah II. He will also meet Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi in Cairo (Egypt) during the day, France Inter learned from a close source.

The story of an ex-hostage. Yocheved Lifschitz, 85, released by Hamas, told Tel Aviv that she “went through hell” during his kidnapping. She says she was “taken on a motorbike (…) my body on one side and my legs on the other”Then “beaten on the way”taken to “a network of tunnels” before being “well treated” by his captors in the Gaza Strip, with a visit from a doctor.

Israel and Hamas communicate human tolls. The Israeli authorities, in their latest report, declare that more than 1,400 people died on Israeli territory during the Hamas attack. The Hamas Health Ministry, for its part, claims that more than 5,791 people were killed in Israeli strikes, the majority civilians. On either side, these assessments have not been verified by an independent source.

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