Different contract | The Men’s National Team at loggerheads with Soccer Canada

(Vancouver) The Canadian men’s soccer team declined to play a pre-World Cup friendly against Panama on Sunday due to a contract dispute between the players and the national body.

Posted at 10:53 a.m.

Gemma Karstens-Smith
The Canadian Press

The game scheduled at Vancouver’s B.C. Place was canceled less than two hours before kickoff. Hundreds of disappointed fans dressed in red and white jerseys lingered outside the stadium after the news broke.

The Canadian players issued a statement on Sunday revealing that they had decided not to play the match because negotiations over a new agreement had been “unnecessarily prolonged”.

“It’s time we took a stand for the future of soccer in Canada,” the statement said, noting that talks began in March.

The players have said they want more transparency from Canada Soccer, changes in the leadership of the body and compensation for the World Cup which includes 40% in remuneration and a “full package for friends and family” for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

“We want to work with our organization, but the relationship has been strained for years,” the statement continued. And now Canada Soccer has disrespected our team and compromised our efforts to raise standards and effectively advance the sport in Canada. »

The players’ proposal is not financially viable, said Canada Soccer President Nick Bontis.

“My job as president is a responsibility to the fiduciary health and stability of this organization, not just for the past 120 years that we have gone through, but for the next 100 years,” he said at a press conference. Sunday afternoon. And I cannot accept this offer which will put our organization in an untenable financial situation. »

Photo DARRYL DYCK, The Canadian Press

Nick Bontis

Players also want a review of the deal Canada Soccer signed with Canadian Soccer Business (CSB) in 2019. The 10-year deal sees CSB representing the men’s and women’s national teams in all sponsorship and broadcast deals. .

The player statement says the deal “impairs (Canada Soccer’s) ability to leverage the on-field success of our senior national teams.”

“We need the details of this agreement to be released and corrected,” she said. We want to know who signed this agreement that handcuffed our association. Why has Canada Soccer given up autonomy on the biggest opportunity to grow our program in years? »

Bontis defended the deal, saying Canada Soccer Business played a “pivotal” role in developing the sport in Canada.

Canada Soccer Business President Scott Mitchell released a statement on Sunday night saying he “fully supports” the call for more transparency.

“We are proud of our agreement with Canada Soccer and what it means for the Canadian soccer ecosystem,” he said. We are ready for full transparency on our deal which has included an unprecedented amount of revenue for Canada Soccer over the past 18 months in the form of sponsorship and international media monies. »

The players are also calling for a fair compensation structure for men’s and women’s teams, and the development of a national women’s league.

The Canadian women’s team reacted in a statement that they were happy with the initiative of the men’s team, but noted that the women’s team does not consider equal FIFA percentages for both teams as a salary. equal.

“The Women’s National Team will not accept any deal that does not offer equal pay,” the statement read.

The women’s team also clarified that they view the proposal tabled Friday by Canada Soccer for both teams as a “positive step” towards pay equity between the men’s and women’s teams, “and which provides a basis for future negotiations. “.

The American Football Association recently agreed to collective agreements that offer equal pay for the first time to men’s and women’s teams.

Canada’s men’s team canceled two practices, Friday and Saturday, due to the contract dispute.

The men’s team hasn’t played at home since beating Jamaica 4-0 in Toronto on March 27 to earn a World Cup berth.

Canada must kick off the Concacaf Nations League against Curaçao (79e) in Vancouver on June 9.

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