Diego Maradona: One year after his death, where are the procedures?

It is a whole country which is preparing to celebrate once again the national idol. One year after the death of Diego Maradona of a cardiac arrest in his house in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, the Argentines have not forgotten the pibe de oro (golden kid). A glory that left on November 25, 2020 causing the sadness of a whole people and football lovers across the planet. Unfortunately, like his life made of escapades, the death of the former world champion in 1986 provoked many reactions and an investigation was opened for “manslaughter with aggravating circumstances” against the medical team in charge of his health.

Suffering from several physical problems with the kidneys or heart failure, Diego Maradona was coming out of an operation for a blood clot to the head two weeks before his death. Justice is now seeking to know if there was negligence on the part of the team of carers responsible for taking care of the former sportsman who died at only 60 years old. A commission of medical experts was thus mandated and its report greatly incriminates the doctors in charge of the Argentine idol. Seven people from the medical team were heard including the neurosurgeon and three nurses. If the investigation continues andshe could be sent back to court According to the lawyer for the mother of one of the star’s children, things seem far from settled …

Five children to share his possessions

Extremely popular and considered a living god in Argentina, Diego Maradona accumulated an important heritage during his lifetime and the question of his succession also remains unresolved today. Civil justice was also seized of the division of his fortune. Father of Dalma (34) and Gianinna (32) born from his story with his ex-wife Claudia Villafañe, he also recognized three children, two boys and a girl. A large auction will also be organized on December 19 to repay its debts.

Recently, a 37-year-old Cuban woman revealed that she had been raped by Diego Maradona in the 2000s. A new case to come therefore and the end of the problems since the death of the idol still seem very distant …

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