Meeting with Didier Pourqueryauthor of the essay Let’s save the debate Let’s dare the nuance “Ed La Cité Presses
Didier Pourquery, is from Girondin, former director of the daily Release and the weekly M the magazine of the world, currently Media Director The conversation France and President of Cap Science in Bordeaux, is the author of several books; Today he signs this clear essay which militates for a new art of debate when on the networks, and even on many sets, we criminalize those who do not think like us, we want to prevent them from speaking and reduce them to silence.
Coming out of a debate on The Parliamentary Channel, in January 2020, where he questioned the universal competence of Greta Thunberg in terms of planetary catastrophe, Didier Pourquery received a volley of green wood on social networks. It’s a revelation. Faced with stage polemicists, whose codes he no longer wants to use, he realizes that he is always trying to qualify. This is the starting point for an investigation into what this fascinating notion and its applications cover. Because from Heraclitus then Montaigne to Camus and Aron extends a space where reflection and commitment, deepening and firm thought coexist. At a time when on all the screens the debate is turning to wrestling, when the political context seems to be pushing for incessant confrontation, when new ideologies are jostling, replacing totalitarianisms or reproducing them in their own way… yes, nuance seems essential for save the art of conversation and the heritage of the Enlightenment.
Returning to the observation of the extreme polarization of exchanges, real battlefields, Didier Pourquery relevantly inscribes the question of debate in the history of ideas (summoning many writers and thinkers – Montaigne, Camus, Roland Barthes…), offering a fascinating analysis and real proposals in the face of political arrogance, insult or radical violence in order to recreate an indispensable space, where the serene and demanding meeting of ideas can take place – ( Update in progress )
– City press