Didier Deschamps: “I’m proud of what I was able to achieve at OM”

Almost six years after its last match at the Vélodrome stadium, in the semi-finals of the 2016 Euro football championship against Germany, the French football team will play again in Marseille. The Blues, reigning world champions, will face Côte d’Ivoire in a friendly this Friday. Kick-off at 9:15 p.m. at the Vélodrome stadiuma match to listen to in full on France Bleu.

On this occasion, Didier Deschamps granted an interview with France Bleu Provence at the microphone of Bruno Blanzat. Listen this Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m. and in 100% Om at 7 p.m.

Didier Deschamps, how does it feel to come back to the most beautiful stadium in the world?

I see your bias! (laughs)

You do not agree ?

Oh… Yes, yes, why not! But, for Lille, Lille is the most beautiful stadium, for Parisians, it’s Paris. And it’s the same logic all over the world! No, but it’s true that it’s a very, very beautiful stadium. I often had the opportunity to sit there on the bench, or even play there! So yes, it’s a great pleasure to play this match in Marseille, against Côte d’Ivoire. Personally, of course, I will see many people that I have met, that I have known well for several years.

“The Vélodrome stadium remains a place that is linked, for me, to many memories. Memories synonymous with titles, success, shared emotions.” – Didier Deschamps, on his links with Marseille

These are shared and positive emotions…

Ah yes ! The negatives, I will not have spoken. (laughs)

It’s true that it may not have ended very well for you, at OM…

As with any experience, there may be less pleasant times. But as my memory is selective, it retains only the good times.

A supporter told us: “Me, Deschamps, I loved it.” But it’s a silent majority of the Velodrome…

This is not specific to the Velodrome. Today, minorities, on any subject, they are the ones we hear. But they are not necessarily representative of all people. So whatever. I may appeal to some like today, and to others not at all. With experience, it passes me above. I attach importance to what deserves it. Everything that can happen outside has no influence.

There is no regret to have left a bit like that? It was at OM that you spent the most time as a coach and as a player…

If I have regrets, I think there are many who could have them. I never have regrets. I made choices. It happened what happened in the moment and with the people who were then present. But there. I can’t go back. It’s like that. I don’t live with regrets.

And the recognition of Marseille and its supporters, Didier Deschamps?

I’m not chasing after that either.

Even for the last title of champion of France, in 2010, after 30 years of scarcity? One may have the impression that some do not necessarily remember it.

Oh good ? This is not the impression of the Marseillais that I can meet! And I don’t choose those I meet, since there are a lot of them, almost everywhere. Those, they have a lot of recognition and always have very kind words for me.

“I am proud of what I was able to achieve at Olympique de Marseille.” – Didier Deschamps, on his prize list

You can ! The championship in 2010, the League Cup in 2010, 2011 and 2012 and the Champions Trophy in 2010 and 2011, these are the last trophies since 1993 for OM!

Yes, yes… hoping that the next one will arrive soon for OM. I don’t want anyone to succeed me. If all goes well at OM and there are titles this year, so much the better!

You have been at the head of the France team for ten years this year. Quite honestly, would you have believed it?

We know when we start, never when we stop. But, of course, if I’m still here, ten years later, it’s because the results have been there. It already takes a lot of things to have them, and then to stay at a very high level. It goes through the quality of the players, that of my professional entourage too.

Afterwards, personally, I will not continue to continue. I never worked like that. It’s because my passion and energy are always at their peak. If that hadn’t been the case, I wouldn’t be in front of you.

Does that mean that a career as a club coach is over for you?

No, it doesn’t mean anything! Me, I have no barrier.

“I’m not going to open or close doors.” – Didier Deschamps, on his future

Including in Marseilles?

I do not know. It doesn’t cross my mind. I am focused on the France team and what awaits us this year, ie the World Cup in November.

It seems that you are going to extend your contract with the France team, true or false?

It seems ? Oh, the conditionals… It’s not planned like that today. You know, I have a contract that runs until the World Cup, that’s factual.

In the team that you bring to Marseille, among your players, there is a certain Matteo Guendouzi who is becoming, a bit, the darling of the Vélodrome this season. What do you like about him?

He had already come with us, when he was at Arsenal, and then he was loaned out. Marseille is a good choice for him. It suits him. He plays regularly. It allows him to chain matches, which was not the case in previous years. He has room for improvement in his game. He has always had a high volume of play and he is also progressing in the offensive aspect. I think he must have scored four goals. He also made a few assists. He also gains a little serenity, because he is someone who has character, who is fiery. I discussed it with him.

“I advised him not to get into conflicts. Even if it’s part of his character, his aggressive game, you always have to stay in control, something he manages to do well, despite everything.” – Didier Deschamps on Matteo Guendouzi, called up to the France team.

There is Guendouzi, but there is no longer Mandanda. And there, the Marseillais, they say to themselves: “But our Mandanda, already that he no longer plays too much in a club, in the France team, it’s over!”

For Steve, before talking about the France team, there is OM. And even if he had to play a few Europa League Conference games, he doesn’t have a lot of playing time. Doesn’t necessarily mean he won’t come back at the Blues. If he finds rhythm in the club… I know his competitive mind. To have.

The match against Côte d’Ivoire this Friday is also important for you, as the World Cup approaches. What are you promising the public at the Vélodrome, who have enjoyed themselves quite often this season with OM? There will be the same thing with the Blues, where we expect 65,000 people?

When you come and you’re a coach, it’s always to give the maximum. The show, to please, to have fun and to win the match! We always leave with these intentions. Then there is an adversary. There is a team from Côte d’Ivoire which has great qualities, since all the players who are in this selection play in the best French and European clubs. Even if they had a difficult African Cup of Nations, where they were eliminated prematurely compared to their ambitions. Admittedly, it’s a friendly match, but all the players know very well that it is in their interest to do things welleven very well, individually and especially collectively.

“We don’t know what Côte d’Ivoire will be able to do.” – Didier Deschamps on the match of the Blues at the Vélodrome stadium this Friday

Didier Deschamps, this match takes place in Marseille, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, where you live. Do you feel good here?

The South region is rather very pleasant due to the climate, the living environment, even if I move a lot outside. But this is not the only beautiful region. We are very well in Brittany, we are also very well in the Basque Country!

A last word on Furiani, Didier Deschamps. We are going to commemorate the 30th anniversary of this drama. He also marked your life as a top athlete…

I obviously don’t have happy and positive images. It was a tragedy for those who were there and I was one of them. There have been families who have lost loved ones, other people have been affected, even very affected psychologically and physically, unfortunately. It’s been 30 years, it wasn’t that long ago. It marks. I think we all have a duty to remember in relation to what happened, and especially in relation to the families who have lost loved ones.

“On the lawn, there was no player, supporter or journalist. It was a human situation where everyone made sure to bring what they could.” – Didier Deschamps, on the drama of Furiani, in 1992

Thank you very much Didier Deschamps, for granting this interview for the listeners of France Bleu Provence. Enjoy this Friday in the most beautiful stadium in the world!

(Laughs). Thank you !

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