Didier Deschamps: His son Dylan reveals a very funny photo for Father’s Day

Didier Deschamps will soon live one of the most important moments in his life as coach of the France team, but he knows he can count on the love and support of his son Dylan during this period. The coach of the Blues, brilliant winner of the World Cup in 2018 will put his title on the line in Qatar at the end of the year. With a team that can count on Karim Benzema, Kylian Mbappé or even N’Golo Kanté, the 53-year-old former player knows that he has one of the best squads in the world. Despite this, the latest results are rather worrying and the shadow of Zinedine Zidane hangs over the head of Claude’s husband, if ever the results are not famous.

A complicated and rather stressful period, especially since Didier Deschamps had the misfortune to lose his father Pierre a few days ago. A tragedy that forced him to leave the gathering of the France team to find his family in the Basque Country. If he has already indicated that he was going to live a complicated summer because of this tragic loss, the coach of the Blues knows that he can count on the support of his son Dylan to get through these difficult times. Based in London, Dylan Deschamps is very close to his father despite the distance and he proved it again this weekend.

Didier Deschamps and his son make a… dab!

For Father’s Day, which took place yesterday, the companion of the sublime Mathilde posted a photo of his father and him on his Instagram account. Followed by more than 10,000 subscribers, Dylan wanted to have a little thought for his father on this special day. “Happy Birthday Dad”he writes on the photo where we can see the two making a dab! Popularized by Paul Pogba, this gesture was very successful a few years ago and if it has fallen into disuse, Didier Deschamps and his son have every intention of bringing it up to date. A very funny picture and in a heavenly place since they are surrounded by palm trees with the sea in the background (photo to be found in the slideshow).

Dylan found a great way to wish a happy father’s day and we can be sure that it must have pleased Didier Deschamps!

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