Did you know they have many benefits for your prowess under the duvet?

Players last longer

Science says so! According to a recent Italian study, spending time in front of the console “has positive psychological effects on ejaculatory control”. The strange consequence, according to the researchers, of the fact that the Geeks are less interested than their congeners by the sexual thing. Less pressure equals… longer!

They are also more patient

This study also reveals a kind of brain training in the reward system that governs video games. Waiting, sometimes a long time, before killing the game, would thus teach patience. Quite the opposite therefore, of someone who would give you the impression of being timed!

Playing together, a beneficial reconnection

There is no reason to let the other play alone! On the contrary, you would deprive yourself of a moment of complicity which can only do you good. Whether it’s playing against each other — then reminding you of your partner’s strengths, those same strengths that made you fall in love… — or playing with each other and there, it’s is your team spirit that is boosted.

Seduction strategy

Whether in Pacman or Mario Kart, each player implements a tactic. He must understand a mechanism, learn from his mistakes, adjust his actions. It is your logical mind that is then required and this is useful to you on a daily basis in your relationship! For example, — we say that, we say nothing —, to organize a top-notch Valentine’s Day, with an insane treasure hunt and a flurry of surprises, to take your darling to 7th heaven.

To lower the tension

One of the most common barriers to sex is anxiety. You come home from work, you have suffered traffic jams, useless meetings or the stupid instructions of a chef who is having a blast. Anyway, it’s time to play. Video games are a wonderful catharsis for those who need to explode heads or, on the contrary, to immerse themselves in a cutesy world filled with animals on LSD. A perfect decompression chamber… to then lead straight to hugs!

SEE ALSO: What Do A Woman’s Soft Moments And Screams During Sex Really Mean?

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