Did Vladimir Putin abuse cosmetic surgery? These revelations are no longer in doubt…

Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine, one man seems to be scrutinized head and shoulders. This is Vladimir Putin. But recently, the Russian president has been the subject of many rumors concerning his physique and his possible addiction to cosmetic surgery… In a paper published by the DailyMail and reported by PointDr. Michael Prager, a renowned plastic surgeon practicing in London, spoke about the subject: “He probably forced a little too much (with botox, editor’s note) on the eyes, because they now look like what we call fish eyes (…) They look empty, he is now unable to express his emotions through his eyes, because the muscles are paralyzed”.

Three years ago, it was fellow Manchester doctor Gerard Lambe who spoke about the Russian leader’s face, showing telltale signs of cosmetic surgery that helped him transform from a geeky image to one of real tough to cook. “Putin’s facial contour has clearly changed over the years and although our face shape may become thinner with age, his is noticeably wider and plumper”had noted the one who exercises at the Reflect Clinic in Manchester to our colleagues from Sun. “I would say he clearly has a dedicated cosmetic surgeon on his team (…) I can also see a subtle eye lift and most likely a chin lift, which makes him look much more alert and more costs”.

Rumors that last for more than 10 years

Allegations of botox use first emerged in 2011, when he showed up to a meeting sporting a huge bruise around his eye. The Russian Liberal Magazine NewTimes revived the debate a year later in an article entitled “What happened to Putin’s face?”, drawing on the expertise of four plastic surgeons who all agreed Vladimir Putin had likely undergone some sort of cosmetic surgery. They had said it was likely he had had Botox on his forehead, a lower eyelid lift and an injection of the product in his cheeks.

See also: Vladimir Putin: his crazy story with a cleaning lady (who became a multi-millionaire)!


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