Did the President of the National Assembly “omit” to declare TotalEnergies shares, as an LFI deputy put it?

According to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life, there was no omission even if it requested corrections from Yaël Braun-Pivet.

On the night of Friday to Saturday, February 18, the deputies finished the examination of the pension reform in an atmosphere, once again, very electric with, in particular, the deputy La France insoumise Alma Dufour who declared this: “When we know that the President of the National Assembly failed to declare 40,000 euros of shares in TotalEnergies in her declaration of assets, we ask ourselves questions, all the same!” An accusation immediately denied by Yaël Braun-Pivet who was on the perch.

According to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP), there was no omission on the part of the President of the National Assembly. This is confirmed to franceinfo by this body which is responsible for checking the declarations of elected officials.

There are two declarations to complete: first, the declaration of assets, where Yaël Braun-Pivet had clearly indicated, as early as June, all the shares she owns. And then there is the declaration of interest and activity. It was in this document, submitted a little later in July, that the High Authority noted an inconsistency with the initial declaration. She therefore asked the President of the Assembly to rectify this, which was done a few months later. Since all actions “appeared well in the declaration of assets”, the High Authority considers that there was no omission.

Frequent corrections

From now on, all the actions appear well in the declaration of interest and activity of Yaël Braun-Pivet, which can be consulted online. Contrary to what the rebellious deputy says, it is not a question of 40,000 euros in TotalEnergies shares, but 40,000 euros in various companies, including TotalEnergies, but also Crédit Agricole, Axa and LVMH. In addition, Yaël Braun-Pivet also declares shares at L’Oreal for an amount of just over 1.5 million euros.

However, this type of rectification requested by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life happens very often. This was confirmed to us by the HATVP. According to her, there have been exchanges with deputies in 85% of cases since the last legislative elections last June.

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