Did Poutine respond to Gérard Depardieu after being let go? The sentence is irrevocable…

Gérard Depardieu has been proclaiming his love for Russia and his admiration for Vladimir Putin loud and clear for years. A love that seems to be on the verge of breaking in view of the latest events. Indeed, this Thursday, March 31, 2022, the famous actor did not hesitate to denounce ” the crazy unacceptable excesses by the President of the Russian Federation before adding that the profits from his concerts from April 1 to 3 at the TCE, in Paris, would be donated to the Ukrainian people. ” All proceeds from the three concerts I give at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées […] will go to the Ukrainian victims of this tragic fratricidal war “, declared the father of Julie Depardieu.

On March 1, the 73-year-old actor had already spoken on this subject. ” Russia and Ukraine have always been brother countries. I am against this fratricidal war. I say: ‘Stop the guns and negotiate!’ “, he launched via AFP. Words that did not please the high spheres of the country of the Soviets. Dmitri Peskov, spokesperson for the Kremlin chose to respond to Gérard Depardieu. “I think that Gérard Depardieu probably does not understand everything that is happening, because he is not fully immersed in political news”. ” He does not understand […] what Donetsk and Lugansk are (pro-Russian separatist regions in Ukraine, editor’s note), he is not aware of the bombardments of civilians (alleged facts of which Moscow accuses kyiv, editor’s note)”. And to conclude: “If necessary, we are ready to tell him and explain it to him so that he understands better. If he wishes”.

For his part, Soultan Khamzaev, a famous Russian deputy, asks the authorities to punish the actor and to withdraw his nationality. “It is important to talk about the need to withdraw his passport from Gérard Depardieu for his presumptuous attacks and his claim to speak on behalf of the Russian people, who did not delegate to him”. To be continued…


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