Did Madonna come out? This video with panties that raises many questions

Should these images therefore be considered as an officialization of his sexual preferences? According to the American site TMZ, she would assert herself through this message as lesbian or bi. The interpreter of Like a Virgin has always cast doubt, as during this memorable scene of the ceremony of the Video Music Awards (VMA) of 2003, during which she kissed Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on stage. At the time, she explained her gesture by saying that she was passing the popstar torch to these two singers. The Queen of Pop also kissed BritBrit again during the singer’s wedding. Oops ! I did it Again with Sam Asghari.

Madonna’s sentimental life is in any case anything but a long calm river. She has been in a relationship with many personalities since her youth, including Dennis Rodman, Tupac, Basquiat, Warren Beatty and Vanilla Ice. She was married to actor-director Sean Penn from 1985 to 1989 and from 2000 to 2008 to director Guy Ritchie, father of her 22-year-old son Rocco. She is the mother of six children in total besides Rocco: Lourdes Maria Ciccone, born October 14, 1996 from her relationship with coach Carlos Leon, David Banda (born September 24, 2005, adopted in 2006), Mercy James (born January 22, 2006, adopted in 2009) and the twins Esther and Stella (born at the end of August 2013, adopted in 2017).

Described as openly bisexual and not hesitating with lascivious and sensual poses between men and women in her clips, the singer with the face that has changed so much would have shared the life of the entrepreneur Ingrid Casares for two years from 1992 to 1994. year after their split, the American singer reportedly dated an American supermodel for another year.

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