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Did Emmanuel Macron lobby to promote the development of Uber in France? An investigation by a group of international journalists casts doubt on his influence when he was still Minister of the Economy in 2015. Monday, July 11, the opposition denounced a “scandal ofState”.
Thousands of files reveal questionable practices by Uber. The protagonists ? A well-honed lobbying machine, and at the heart of the game of influence, a certain Minister of the Economy, Emmanuel Macron. At that time, Uber just landed in France. Taxis take to the streets to denounce unfair competition. mark MacGanna lobbyist, is tasked by Uber with changing French law. Today, he is a whistleblower.
At the time, François Hollande, Bernard Cazeneuve and Manual Valleys are all quite hostile to the arrival of Uber. But the company finds a more than attentive ear: that of Emmanuel Macron. This is shown in a meeting report written by Mark MacGann : “In a word : spectacular. Never seen. Mega top meeting with Emmanuel Macron this morning. France loves us after all.“
Each time, the meetings with the lobbyist or the big boss of Uber are not official but off the agenda, and discussions continue by SMS and email. Emmanuel Macron seems to be very cooperative in finding an agreement. The Minister of the Economy at the time even suggested that the company provide pre-written amendments to deputies.
The consortium of journalists who investigated did not find anything illegal on the side of Emmanuel Macron, but a lack of transparency which raises questions. Monday, July 11, at the National Assembly, the opposition asked for explanations. The Élysée replies that Emmanuel Macron’s actions fall within the classic framework of the functions of a minister.