Did David Hallyday just accuse Laeticia Hallyday of “burglary”?

Johnny”loved themhe wrote in his autobiography “Best Album” (released this November 23, 2023 at Cherche-Midi), showing them a tenderness that no one thought he was capable of. Everyone knows that I haven’t seen them much, but I would like them to be sure of the love I have for them and which is not an affection of principle”. It was in these terms that David Hallyday reached out to his two little sisters, Jade and Joy.

“If the fans like it, that’s what counts”

He who continues to promote his work on TV and radio sets adds, this week, on BFMTV, that his “door is open to them at any time”. A call that risks going unanswered…

Indeed, questioned about the projects implemented by the widow of Taulier for the memory of his father, David Hallyday was critical, this November 23, 2023. He who was not aware of the release of the last unpublished by Johnny titled “A shout”released last week assures, polite: “I haven’t been consulted on this. But I think it’s not very serious. If the fans like it, that’s what counts. It’s the public that counts. I’m neither for nor against. I don’t know what to say”.

“I would have had the impression of seeing the loot of a burglary”

On the other hand, he lets go a little more when it comes to the exhibition dedicated to Johnny, which will open next December in Paris, and which had previously been inaugurated in Brussels, by Laeticia Hallyday. About this great museum, he says, in his book: “I preferred not to go there. The red line separating public life from the intimate and the sacred seemed to me to have been crossed. I would have had the impression of seeing the spoils of a burglary.”

They went to war for 2 and a half years over inheritance, and have not yet resumed their relationships since 2020, is it now the time for peace for the Hallydays? Not sure if little Jade and Joy see it that way…


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