Did Cauet kiss a singer by force? “I felt really bad…”

She criticized mainstream sexism early on in her music career. However, its title I want to see you unfortunately did not protect Yelle from all attacks. This is what the singer says in the book All for musicby journalist Chloé Thibaud, who collects the artist’s testimonies, but also those of her colleagues Françoise Hardy, Lio, Yseult and Elodie Frégé.

I was hyper pigeonholed because I was talking about sex

Yelle made a name for himself in 2006 with I want to see youa song with acerbic lyrics that targeted the members of the group TTC, in particular because of what they said in girlfriend. “I was spoken to very badly or I was hyper cataloged because I talked about sex in my songs, she remembers. I think that I was not ‘armed’ enough to answer it at that time but that today I would live it differently“. The general public discovered the Breton, even more, in 2008 when she joined her voice to that of Michael Youn in the musical parody Talk to my hand. It was that year, precisely, that she was invited to a program by presenter Sébastien Cauet … and that she would have had a very unpleasant experience.

At the time, I minimized the thing

On the set, at the end of the show, Cauet is next to me and he offers his cheek saying to me like ‘Give me a kiss, we’re done‘. I approach and, obviously, at the last moment, he turns his head and kisses me on the mouth, she assures. SSuddenly, I minimized the thing. I thought it was a really bad schoolboy joke, that it wasn’t dramatic, but at the same time I felt really bad. Because something was done to me that I didn’t want to be done to me, at prime time, on a highly watched show.” It is with great hindsight that Julie Budet, aka Yelle, thinks back to this episode of her career. If she wants to tell this attack, it is probably also to protect future generations. In a relationship with DJ Grand Marnier, she very recently gave birth to her first child…

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