Diane Parry passes the obstacle Camila Osorio and advances to the third round

The French, who fell for Barbora Krejcikova in the previous round, easily dominated the Colombian on Wednesday.

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The great adventure continues for Diane Parry. Sensational Monday against defending champion Krejcikova, the Frenchwoman won her match against Camila Osorio (6-3, 6-3), Wednesday May 25, in the second round of Roland-Garros. Thanks to a varied game, Parry defeated the 66th in the world in 1h18. She is, for the time being, the only representative of the French contingent guaranteed to play in the third round. She will find there the former finalist Sloane Stephens.

Driven by the sparse but noisy audience of the Simonne-Mathieu court, the Niçoise by birth emerged victorious from this refreshing-looking duel of “rookies”. Parry (19) and Osorio (20) fought a duel filled with panache and variety, in which each tried to impose its specialty. On arrival, the wrapped forehands of the Frenchwoman took precedence over the smooth drop shots of the Colombian.

Even generally serene, Parry sometimes scared herself. The 97th in the world could have concluded her domination in the first set earlier, but Osorio’s perseverance delayed the deadline, concluded in 42 minutes (6-3 after leading 4-1). The rest was much more difficult for a Frenchwoman who was broken from the start, but who, without ever panicking, gradually caught up. Her break to equalize at 3-3 definitely spelled the end of the Colombian’s ambitions.

More than the accuracy of her shots and her robustness in the face of often lengthy exchanges, the Frenchwoman shone with her phlegm. Concentrated on her own score, she did not show an ounce of frustration. One of his shots was wrongly called “fault”? Never mind, Parry, led 0-40 on her serve, struggled to clear these three break points. “Here is Parry” never ceased to chant an audience of Simonne-Mathieu conquered by the Niçoise. This slogan could well become the tube of the fortnight.

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