Diane Leyre “pretentious”? Miss France 2022 does not let it go and pulls out its claws!

On Saturday December 11, Diane Leyre, Miss Ile-de-France 2021 was elected in front of millions of viewers, Miss France at the Zénith de Caen (Normandy) during the 92nd edition.

If she was able to answer questions from many media, she then spent the end of the year holidays with her family. The beautiful brunette had shared this message for his community: “Happy New Year to all. May it be filled with love, health, success, but above all that you find your happiness every day. Never lose hope. Be proud of who you are, and do not be afraid to change your mind. path, friends, career. It’s YOUR life. We only have one so do it your way. “

family vacation, the 24-year-old continued her media tour. She visited the studios of South Radio. In this show, the beauty queen swept over several topics including her new life.

“We know that overnight, the first name Diane Leyre will never sound the same again. Indeed, I will no longer take the metro in the same way because people will recognize me, life has certainly changed”, indicated the predecessor of Amandine Petit. Until December 2022, she will wear the crown and scarf of Miss France before giving way to another young woman. And what will be the sequel? What will his projects be? “I am a woman entrepreneur, so I believe that I will create my business, I will leave my mark after Miss France”, she replied to reporters. “This is pretentious”replied Gilles Ganzmann. “It’s not pretentious. When you start a business, it stays, I’m not ashamed to show my ambition, I don’t think it’s anything wrong”, she replied.

As a reminder, Diane Leyre holds a Bachelor (Bac +4) in Business Administration from IE University, she became a real estate agent for Jadley, a Parisian agency located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris.

See also: Diane Leyre (Miss France 2022): a surprising photo of her “old life” resurfaces on Instagram


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