Diane Leyre (Miss France) swings on her last break, shock confidences on her love stories!

The private life of Diane Leyre unleashes passions. Crowned Miss France last December, the pretty brunette had made some confidences about her love situation in the columns of We both. “My heart belongs to the French who elected me. But I am not a heart to take. You understand that with everything I want to do with the French, adding someone in my life today would be a uncomplicated”, she had analysed.

This Thursday, January 20, 2022 for Paris Match, the young woman spoke of her unmarried celibacy. “I haven’t been hit on once since I became Miss France! I think the title is scary! And I said so much that I am not a heart to take, because I want to give my heart to all the French people, that it blocks everyone! explained Diane Leyre who asserts that she has not “no problem being alone”.

In the past, the beauty queen had a beautiful romance with a foreign student. It was through her studies at the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid that Diane Leyre crossed her path. “He was Lebanese with a different culture, that interested me. And we were abroad, I lacked bearings, he was reassuring. We had a dog we called Ohana which means ‘family’. Together, we created our little family far from ours. He was a great boy. I was very in love, very happy with him, I spent two wonderful years”, she explained.

Their breakup went smoothly… Or almost. “He didn’t do anything bad, I didn’t do anything bad, love ran out of steam. In any case on my side. I left. And as I broke his heart, I didn’t see myself not take the dog away from her. I regret every day that I left my dog.” , concluded Diane Leyre with a certain nostalgia.

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